Carina Karakashian & Nyrie Karkazian
Staff Writers

When most people think of a restaurant owned by an Armenian they immediately think of kebob, pilav, and paklava. But we have found one Armenian who serves something a little bit different. He serves pizza.
Ferris Gabriel, owner of the two Dominion pizzerias located in Fresno, opened his very first franchise just about four years ago on the corner of Cedar and Shepherd. Gabriel and his family are originally from Baghdad, Iraq and moved to Fresno in April of 1975.
Ferris Gabriel’s children, Rami and Vera, are students at Fresno State.
Years ago Gabriel worked for another pizza company, but one day he decided to open his own business, Dominion Pizza. The name Dominion came from the neighborhood in which he lived at the time. He recently opened a new branch in Clovis on Willow and Nees. Most of his business comes from schools, sports teams, and families. The Armenian Students Organization at CSU, Fresno, also holds meetings there from time to time and feels right at home.
When asked how he likes what he does Gabriel replied, “I love my job.” He said that, “Pizza is like my kids. If someone messes up pizza, it’s like messing up my kids.”
Our time spent at Dominion was great and as always the food was incredible. We personally recommend getting a large pepperoni pizza, but everything on the menu is good.
We only have one question… when do they add soojough and bastermah pizza to the menu?