Photo: Raffi Mouradian
Staff Report
There is an exciting new exhibit to see this year at the Fresno County Historical Museum, featuring the works of one of Fresno’s most iconic artists, Varaz Samuelian. On Saturday, September 3, a special preview of the exhibit was held and attracted a crowd of hundreds. This was the first time some of Varaz’s paintings had ever been viewed by the public.
Jeff and Jason Ahronian, both graduates of Fresno State and active members of the Fresno Armenian community, spearheaded the event. They have been very busy over the years creating exhibits at the Museum featuring the history, heritage, and culture of Armenians in Fresno County, including the award-winning “Early Armenian History” exhibit (located on the second floor of the Museum) and an exhibit on world renowned musician Richard Hagopian (also located on the second floor). The new “Varaz Art Exhibit” is located on the first floor of the Museum and contains some of the artist’s most interesting and diverse work. It is definitely worth seeing.
The exhibit would not have been possible without the generous donation of artwork and materials made by Varaz Samuelian’s niece, Carol Samuelian Gonella. Gonella learned about the Museum while searching the internet and finding the website www.armeniansfresno.com created by Jeff and Jason Ahronian. Gonella stressed the importance of having her uncle’s work displayed for the entire community to see and was excited to learn that the Museum draws hundreds of thousands of people each year through its doors.
The Ahronians are intent on keeping these exhibits as permanent fixtures of the Museum for many years to come. They are proud that all costs and expenses related to them have been raised privately by the community. Their goal is to continue adding content and expanding the scope of their work. Tax-deductible donations can be made to the Friends of the Fair, a non-profit organization to help offset the ongoing annual costs of maintaining the spaces at the Museum as well as the website. Donations can be mailed to Friends of the Fair, Armenian Exhibits, 1121 S. Chance Avenue, Fresno, CA 93702.
The Museum is located at the Fresno Fairgrounds and is open during the Fresno Fair, which runs this year from October 5-16. It is free to see with admission to the Fair. Group tours of the Museum can also be scheduled year-round by calling (559) 650-FAIR.