Dustin Vartanian
Staff Writer
Students and faculty who participated in the Armenia Summer Study Trip 2019 presented their experience of traveling through Armenia on Thursday, November 19, 2019 in the Fresno State University Business Center.
Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, who led the Summer Study Trip, spoke about the past experiences of Fresno State students who had traveled to Armenia. He used a PowerPoint to highlight his past Armenia trips and explained how there had been many changes in Armenia since his first trip in 1988. This was the 9th Summer Study trip through Fresno State, and nearly ninety students have benefited from the extraordinary program. Prof. Der Mugrdechian then went on to explain the highlights of the 2019 Summer Study Trip.
After Prof. Der Mugrdechian spoke, Andrew Hagopian presented a video he had prepared about the trip. The video highlighted several places the group traveled to during their two-week adventure, including several different churches and museums. Armenian music played in the background of the video, reflecting the various moods of the trip. When the students were full of smiles, the music had an up-beat traditional style to it. When the video showed the insides of a church, hymns of the Armenian church was played. Likewise, when the video focused on the Armenian Genocide Monument, the music became somber. Altogether, the video gave great insight on what occurred during the trip.
Students participants on the trip had an opportunity to share their personal experiences. Suzy Ekmekchyan stated that she had been waiting her entire life to make the trip to Armenia and shared what a wonderful time she had visiting the homeland. Stephen Gonzalez explained that he had been to Armenia three times and even spent a whole semester there studying at the American University of Armenia. Gonzalez said he plans on visiting Armenia again in the near future.
Even though the Summer Study 2019 Trip to Armenia is over, students who participated understand the importance of sharing their experiences with others in the community.
“I think it is important to speak about the trip, because it shows what the Program does for its students outside of a classroom setting,” said Kara Statler. “It encourages other students to get involved and to go on other trips and study-abroad opportunities Fresno State has to offer.”
“The significance of presenting our trip to Armenia is to encourage those who have never been to Armenia to see how it made us filled with joy and how we formed numerous positive memories,” said David Safrazian, another student participant. He also explained that it is important to inform others that when they travel to Armenia that it is not all about sightseeing but rather being “spiritually connected and taking part in the Armenian lifestyle.”
The presentation on the trip displayed the joy and importance of visiting the motherland. Traveling to Armenia created a connection between the students and put together everything they had been learning in Armenian Studies Program courses at Fresno State. The trip created memories that will last a lifetime.