Sosse Baloian
Staff Writer
The Armenian Studies Program Minor at Fresno State requires students to complete six to seven courses in Armenian language, art, culture, literature, and his-tory. In the Fall of 2019 more than 30 students, an all-time high, have registered to complete their Minor in Armenian Studies.

Garo Minasian
Who or what influenced you to Minor in Armenian Studies? Why is it important to you?
My Armenian heritage mainly influenced my decision to Minor. I knew I wanted a Minor to complement my major and Armenian Studies was the most interesting subject I was looking forward to. As an Armenian born in Syria who immigrated to the United States, I am excited to pursue this Minor because it helps shape my identity.
What has been your favorite Armenian Studies course? Why?
Armenian Studies 10, with Professor Hagop Ohanessian, has been my favorite course so far because we have discussed Armenian history, immigration, and identity. We learned about the major developments of the first and second Armenian Republics, and we discussed the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Professor Ohanessian is one of the best instructors at Fresno State because his courses are well organized and very interesting.
In what ways can you apply a Minor in Armenian Studies in relation to the broader Armenian community?
Armenian Studies courses are helping me shape my identity in Fresno, while maintaining my relationships with Armenians outside of the United States. Learning about Armenian history has made me more confident about sharing it to other Armenian or non-Armenian people. Being a part of the Armenian community in Fresno makes me happy and excited.
What would you say to a student interested in pursuing a Minor in Armenian Studies?
I would highly recommend minoring to anyone who is interested because the Program is filled with many intriguing courses taught by professional instructors. Armenian courses can also help students financially if they choose to apply for a scholarship. Throughout history, Armenians have interacted with several cultures and kingdoms. Therefore, they are a part of every single community worldwide. Education is an essential key to open up closed doors with hope and dedication to make anything become possible.

Mark Soghomonian
Who or what influenced you to Minor in Armenian Studies? Why is it important to you?
After taking my first classes in Armenian Studies, Armenian 1A and Armenian Studies 10, I was compelled to learn more. I am very thankful for the opportunity to learn about my cultural history in an academic setting.
What has been your favorite Armenian Studies course? Why?
So far, my favorite Armenian Studies course has been Armenian Studies 10 because of its broad area of focus on history as well as culture.
In what ways can you apply an Armenian Studies Minor in relation with the broader Armenian community?
I can apply my knowledge of Armenia’s captivating history in conversations with members of the community. By doing this, I can connect more personally with Armenians whose ancestors lived through similar experiences, ultimately preserving a unique culture of dignity.
What would you say to a student interested in pursuing a Minor?
I would encourage any student interested in an Armenian Studies Minor to deepen their awareness of Armenian culture and history by taking related classes in the Armenian Studies Program.

Tatiana Samouie
Who or what influenced you to Minor in Armenian Studies? Why is it important to you?
From a young age, I have always been drawn to learning more about who I am and where I come from. My Armenian heritage and my involvement in the Armenian community is a big part of who I am. Therefore, it was an easy decision to pursue a Minor. I am only one quarter Armenian, so it is important for me to learn about my Armenian background. I will be able to pass down to future generations the knowledge I gain through the Minor.
What has been your favorite Armenian Studies course? Why?
My favorite course thus far has been the Armenian language class because it allows me to perfect and practice my reading and writing skills in Armenian.
In what ways can you apply a Minor in Armenian Studies in relation with the broader Armenian community?
I have always been greatly involved in my Armenian community. One way I have contributed is through Homenetmen Scouting. As a leader of my troop, I am able to assist the young scouts in learning and understanding more about Armenian history and customs. As a role model, I plan to pass along the information I learn to others.
What would you say to a student interested in pursuing a Minor in Armenian Studies?
I would say it can be an endless road of possibilities. Armenians have such a rich history, heritage, and traditions that offer so much to learn.