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Society for Armenian Studies-JSAS Volume 17 Released

Staff Report The Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) announces the publication of Volume 17 of its refereed Journal, under the editorship of Dr. Joseph A. Kéchichian, and contains nine original essays as well as eleven book reviews. Two articles focus on the Genocide, one by Steven Leonard Jacobs on “The Journey of Death: Lemkin and the Armenian Genocide” that elucidates ...

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Fresno Gallery 25 Welcomes Armenian Artist Hrach Vardanyan

By: Marisaa Isquerdo Fresno Gallery 25 welcomed 21-year-old artist Hrach Vardanyan from Gyumri, Armenia and exhibited Vardanyan’s art from December 4-28, 2008, every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Vardanyan’s artwork consisted of paintings and drawings that were shipped in from Gyumri. Local Fresno artist Carol Tikijian hosted Vardanyan. Vardanyan is part of an artist exchange between ...

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Eench ga Chga

Mari Koshkakaryan Staff Writer How would you describe Armenian music? Ani Grigoryan Freshman Major: Business Administration “Armenian music is very similar to European style music. However, Armenian music uses ancient instruments, which grab my attention.”     Miranda Barile Freshman Major: Undeclared “Armenian music sounds very Middle Eastern, but different from other cultures because of the oud. When I hear ...

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Dr. Bournoutian Gives First Lecture on The Armenian Church Under Foreign Rule

Mari Koshkakaryan Staff Writer The Christianization of Armenia in the beginning of the fourth century marked a turning point in the history of Armenia. Armenians take great pride and faith in their churches — and especially in the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. On March 3rd in the Peters Auditorium on campus, Dr. George Bournoutian gave a brief, but concise ...

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Armenian 148 Course Presents Armenian Culture

Pateel Mekhitarian Staff Writer One of the Armenian courses offered this semester at Fresno State is Armenian 148, “Masterpieces of Armenian Culture.” This unique offering has attracted a wide range of students who are interested in learning about the Armenian culture. The textbook is The Heritage of Armenian Literature, Volume I, (Wayne State University Press, 2000) written and edited by ...

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ASO Activities in Spring Semester

Hagop Ohanessian Staff Writer As the new semester is quickly moving along, the Armenian Students Organization (ASO) is continuing its full schedule of events. The month of February has been busy for ASO, with guest speaker Dr. Ronald Marchese, who spoke on “Armenian Constantinople/Istanbul: Church, Society, and Culture,” co-sponsored with the Armenian Studies Program. The lecture attracted much interest from ...

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“State of Armenian Studies” Discussed at Historic University of Michigan Gathering

Staff Report Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator of the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State, and representing the Society for Armenian Studies, participated in a an innovative workshop, “The State of Armenian Studies,” at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 18-20, 2008. Over the past forty years there have been several opportunities for gatherings to discuss the state of ...

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Der Mugrdechian Speaks on “Armenian Art” for Knights of Vartan Banquet

Staff Report Armenian Studies Program Coordinator Barlow Der Mugrdechian was the guest speaker at the 80th anniversary celebration of the Daron Lodge of the Knights of Vartan. The Banquet took place on Sunday, February 15 in the St. John Armenian Church Paul Fellowship Hall. Special guest at the Banquet was Haig K. Deranian, Grand Commander of the Knights of Vartan. ...

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Dr. Ronald T. Marchese Discusses “Constantinople Style” of Armenian Art in Illustrated Presentation

Marissa Isquierdo Staff Writer On Wednesday, February 11 at 7:30 PM, Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator of the Armenian Studies Program welcomed Fresno State distinguished alumnus, Dr. Ronald Marchese, who gave a presentation titled “Armenian Constantinople: Church, Society, and Culture” to an audience which consisted of Fresno State students, professors, family, and friends in the Alice Peters Auditorium at Fresno ...

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Tenth Annual Armenian Film Festival Attracts Large Audience

Hagop Ohanessian Staff Writer The Armenian Film Festival at Fresno State annually showcases films with an Armenian theme, concerning Armenian issues, or those that have been directed by Armenians around the country or around the world. This year, the Armenian Studies Program received numerous films that were evaluated and chosen for the 10th Annual Armenian Film Festival. This year the ...

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