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December 7, 1988-Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Armenian Earthquake Recalled in 2013 Memoir

Marine Vardanyan Editor The clock tower froze at 11:41 while children were at school, parents at work, and busy people were running errands. These individuals became the unsuspecting victims of a terrible disaster, one that devastated the historical city of Gyumri (then Leninakan) and stole the lives of an estimated 25,000 Armenians, injuring 15,000. With a reported magnitude of 6.9, ...

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Family History Project Excerpts

Marine Vardanyan Editor In the October 2013 issue of Hye Sharzhoom, excerpts from family histories prepared by students who had enrolled in a Spring 2013 course taught by Dr. Sona Haroutyunian (University of Ca’ Foscari Venice), Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies, were published.  Following are the three remaining excerpts: Suren Oganessian My grandfather, Suren Oganessian the First, was born ...

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Der Mugrdechian Presents Talk on Armenian Cilicia and Trip to Historic Armenia

Tamar Melkonian Staff Writer Have you ever wondered what a trip to historic Armenia would be like? On Friday, September 27, 2013, Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator of the Armenian Studies Program, shared a presentation on his summer trip to historic Armenia. Titled “Historic Armenia II: Armenian Cilicia,” this event was part two in a series by Der Mugrdechian, following ...

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Armenians on the Internet

Suren Oganessian Staff Writer Armeniapedia http://www.armeniapedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Main Page: Provides the best way to navigate the website, listing categories covered in the Wiki, such as history, travel, society and culture, language, food, art, books, and maps. Armenian Language Lessons: An online textbook is provided to help English-speakers learn Eastern Armenian, accessible on the main page. Navigation: A sidebar present on all ...

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Partamian Presents Armenian World Contributions

Ruzan Orkusyan Staff Writer What do the spiritual leader of the Salvation Army, the inventor of the MRI, the creator of automatic transmission, and the founder of GNC have in common? Along with countless intellectuals and public figures, they share a unique American-Armenian heritage and serve as prominent reminders of Armenians’ survival, growth, and civic contributions. In a two-part lecture ...

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Karabagh (Artsakh) Focus of Two Talks at Fresno State

Emma Shaljyan Staff Writer Dr. Arsen Saparov, visiting lecturer at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, was the guest of the Armenia Studies Program on Friday, November 15, speaking on the topic of “Drawing Borders in the Caucasus-the Early 1920’s.” Dr. Saparov earned his Ph.D. from the London School of Economics, where his research focused on the issue of the ...

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HALO Trust Discusses De-Mining in Karabagh

Marine Vardanyan Editor Imagine stepping outside of your home only to find yourself surrounded by land mines, not knowing if your next step will activate a mine or a cluster bomb. Would you be able to live in such conditions? Citizens of Nagorno-Karabakh are forced into such situations every day, as they exist alongside the remnants of war. However, the ...

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Armenian Studies Collection in New Online Catalog

Tamar Melkonian Staff Writer Did you know that the Armenian Studies Program has one of the largest and most extensive collections of books, magazines, and other materials on Armenian subjects in the United States? Throughout the years the Program has received generous donations of books from community members, authors, and Armenian institutions worldwide. However, until recently the works were inaccessible ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary

Marine Vardanyan Editor Hye Sharzhoom, the only university published Armenian student newspaper in the United States and the oldest in the world to be continuously published, is celebrating its 35th anniversary in 2014. The first edition of Hye Sharzhoom was published on April 18, 1979, as part of Armenian Martyr’s Week at Fresno State and marking the anniversary of the ...

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Armenian Students Organization Enjoying Active Semester

Emma Shaljyan Staff Writer The Armenian Student Organization (ASO) tries its best to stay in touch with the Fresno community and with the members of the organization itself. Thus, throughout the year many activities are organized to bring students at Fresno State together. As the Fall semester began, ASO worked immediately to organize activities such as the Annual Car Wash, ...

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