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ASO Celebrates 40th Anniversary

Haverj Stanboulian Staff Writer As the end of the semester approaches, the Armenian Students Organization continues with its diverse activities and events. On Saturday, October 11, ASO celebrated its 40th anniversary with a Barbeque Night. Members played games, enjoyed Armenian food, and celebrated the anniversary. On Sunday, October 19, in the spirit of Halloween, ASO members visited Hobb’s Grove “Halloween ...

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Fr. Yessai Bedros Appointed New Pastor at St. Paul Armenian Church

Marina Chardukian Staff Writer New beginnings are opportunities for growth, and for the St. Paul Armenian Church of Fresno, that opportunity became a reality with the appointment of a new parish priest, Reverend Father Yessai Bedros. Archbishop Hovnan Der-derian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, made the appointment on August 4, 2014. Born in Kamishli, Syria, Father ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Staffbox

Editor Marine Vardanyan Layout Barlow Der Mugrdechian Photographers Ovsanna Simonyan Barlow Der Mugrdechian Staff Writers Lauren Chardukian Marina Chardukian Tatevik Hovhannisyan Bako Oganyan Aramayis Orkusyan Michael Rettig Haverj Stanboulian Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian barlowd@csufresno.edu

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Armenian Women of the Genocide

Lauren Chardukian Staff Writer Men. Men write history, men fight in history, men make history. The role of women is relatively less mentioned. However on Sunday, October 19, 2014, the Ararat Foundation organized an event, “The Armenian Genocide and Armenian Women of 1915,” dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial, and shedding light on the many who may have been forgotten ...

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Christopher Orozco Wins Competition in Graphic Design Class for Armenian Genocide Logo Design

Staff Report When the students in the Graphic Design class (GD 178)were given an assignment to design a logo for the upcoming Armenian Genocide Centennial, very few of them were aware of just what the Armenian Genocide was. Prof.  Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program, was invited to speak to the Graphic Design class on Tuesday, September ...

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New Music Ensemble Concert on March 9, 2015 to Feature Music by Living Armenian Composers

Special to Hye Sharzhoom The Fresno State New Music Ensemble is a student-managed chamber ensemble dedicated to the performance and promotion of music by living composers. The Ensemble presents at least one concert each semester, in addition to other performances around the state. On Monday, March 9, 2015, the Ensemble will present a concert featuring music by living Armenian composers ...

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Peter Hagopian Scholarship Fund Established at Fresno State

Staff Report Armenian Studies Program Coordinator Barlow Der Mugrdechian announced the establishment of the Peter Mourad Hagopian Memorial Scholarship Fund in the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State. Hagopian’s brother, Edward, who will be 93 in December, established the Hagopian Scholarship in memory of his late brother. The scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in Armenian and Armenian Studies ...

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Armenians on the Internet

Michael Rettig Staff Writer Hye Etch http://www.hyeetch.nareg.com.au/index.html There are many different websites one can visit to learn about Armenia and its rich culture. One of the most useful of those for Armenians and non-Armenians to broaden their knowledge about Armenian culture is “Hye Etch.” This website combines useful information from various sources into one convenient and easy to navigate website. ...

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David Tataryan Graduates with Minor in Armenian Studies

Staff Report David Tataryan Computer Science Minor in Armenian Studies   What encouraged you to complete a Minor in Armenian Studies? I wanted to take Armenian Studies courses so I would better understand the history of my culture and people. What do you value most from your experiences in the Armenian Studies Program? The knowledge I have gained and the ...

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