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Prof. Manukyan’s “Introduction to Genocide” Class Promotes Interest Among Students

Sosse Baloian Staff Writer “One cannot change the future without understanding the past,” stated Tatiana Samouie, a Biology major and expected 2022 Fresno State graduate. As a great grandchild of an Armenian Genocide survivor, Samouie believes that “learning about multiple genocides can provide an individual with an acute lens when looking at global issues.” Samouie is one of several students ...

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Zohrab Center Organizes Book Event on Armenian-American Sketches

Christine Pambukyan Staff Writer “Bedros Keljik’s Armenian American Sketches brings to life one of the early chapters of the storied history of the Armenian-American community, whose presence on this continent long precedes the events of 1915 and even the Hamidian massacres of the nineteenth century,” said Jessie Arlen, interim director of the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center. On April ...

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Dr. Ara Sanjian Discusses Armenian Churches of Artsakh

Michael Mazman Staff Writer Dr. Ara Sanjian, Associate Professor of History and Director of the Armenian Research Center at the University of Michigan, Dearborn, delivered a presentation on Thursday, May 6, 2021, entitled “The Armenian Church in Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) in Modern Times.” The primary focus of his lecture was to discuss the structures and activities of the Armenian Apostolic church ...

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New Book on “The Committee of Union and Progress” Published Through Armenian Series

Christine Pambukyan Staff Writer “It is a fresh and healthy approach to modern Armenian and historical Armenian studies that is much more inclusive of the broader context in which Armenian history exists,” said Ara Sarafian, one of three co-editors of The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology and Structure. A panel discussion was held on Saturday, September 25, to ...

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Dr. Suren Manukyan Appointed as 18th Kazan Visiting Professor

Staff Report Dr. Suren Manukyan has been named as the 18th Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies at Fresno State for the Fall 2021 semester. Dr. Manukyan is the Head of the UNESCO Chair on Prevention of Genocide and Other Atrocity Crimes at Yerevan State University and Head of the Department of Comparative Genocide Studies at the ...

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ASO Celebrates Armenia’s 30th Anniversary of Independence

Staff Report On Tuesday, September 21, 2021, the Armenian Students Organization (ASO) at Fresno State celebrated the 30th anniversary of Armenia’s independence. Armenia was part of the former Soviet Union from 1920 until 1991, when it became one of fifteen former Soviet Republics to gain its independence. As students walked by the Kennel Bookstore, they were greeted by ASO members ...

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Seven Armenian Students Are Studying in the Smittcamp Family Honors College at Fresno State

Sara Beberian Staff Writer The Smittcamp Family Honors College at Fresno State is recognized as one of the top programs of its kind in the western United States. Only a select 50 students, from a pool of 500 students, are annually accepted into the Smittcamp Family Honors College. High school seniors must meet one of the following two criteria in ...

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Armenian Students Organization Holds First Meeting of the Semester and Elections

Andrew Hagopian Editor The Armenian Students Organization (ASO) kicked off the 2021-2022 academic year with their first meeting and annual elections, held by Zoom, on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. More than 35 students were present for the first meeting. Each member introduced themselves by stating their name, major, and year in school. Following introductions, everyone participated in a game of ...

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Congratulations Armenian Studies Minors and Graduating Seniors of 2020-2021

Garo Minasian History Minor in Armenian Studies What encouraged you to take an Armenian Studies course? Prof. Hagop Ohanessian is one of the best instructors at Fresno State because his courses are well organized and very interesting. He was among the first people to encourage me to pursue a Minor in Armenian Studies. On the other hand, Professor Barlow Der ...

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Prof. Tonoyan Begins New Teaching Position in Business at Fresno State

Michael Mazman Staff Writer “Coming from a relatively poor background, it feels like a privilege to serve a community like this because you know that you are planting a seed that is going to grow.” Dr. Vartuhi Tonoyan, professor of entrepreneurship and management in the Craig School of Business, has found a home at Fresno State after traveling across the ...

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