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News From Armenia

Armenia’s GDP Rose 7.2 Percent in 1998 Source: Interfax, Moscow, 24 February 1999 Yerevan:  Armenia’s GDP in 1998 increased by 7.2 percent in real terms as compared with 1997, although industrial decline stood at 2.5 percent, the Armenian Statistics Ministry told Interfax.  In current prices, the GDP amounted to 951.9bn drams (or 1.885bn dollars in accordance with the average annual ...

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The Peloians and Fresno

The following is one in a series of student essays published by Hye Sharzhoom.  If you have an essay about any aspect of Armenian life or culture that you would like to publish in Hye Sharzhoom, please contact Dr. Kaprielian in Social Science Room 216 or call her at 278-6493 or the Armenian Studies Program office at 278-2669. By Aaron ...

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Armenians and the Internet

By Ara Mekhitarian Staff Writer For those Armenians who are new to the Internet,  here are some excellent Armenian web sites that offer a lot of information.  Whether you are looking for Armenian news, pictures, jokes, books, businesses, or just want to chat and meet new Armenians, these web sites are the places to be. Also there is now a ...

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Fresno Triple X – An Eighty Year Tradition

By Matthew Maroot Staff Writer For over 80 years, the Fresno Triple X Fraternity has continually sought to promote charity, benevolence and brotherhood-values that are not common in many organizations today. As a fraternity the Triple X is a social organization.  It holds board meetings and general meetings, dinners, fund-raisers and other social events.  One such event took place on ...

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April 24 Commemorative Activites

By Arakel Arisian ASO President There is no issue more important to the ASO than the April 24th Armenian Genocide Commemoration.  It is the most encompassing and emotionally  involved issue facing Armenians today.  It always stimulates the studentís emotions and it draws them together with a sense of purpose.  It becomes especially important with the approaching new millennium ; The ...

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Looking Forward with ASO

By Arakel Arisian ASO President With the dawn of a new semester Armenian students at Fresno State embark on their mission to improve the Armenian Students Organization.  Every semester the ASO tries to grow and become  more active, and this spring 1999 semester is no exception.  Here are some of the activities and events of ASO. In late December and ...

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An Evening With Dadrian Informs All

By Chad Kirkorian Staff Writer On January 28, 1999, Genocide and human rights scholar Dr. Vahakn Dadrian, was at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, in Fresno, to introduce his new book, Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of the Turko-Armenian Conflict.  The lecture was co-sponsored by the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno, and the Armenian National Committee of ...

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Kricorian Reflects on New Book Zabelle

By Shayla Srabian Staff Writer The CSU Fresno Armenian Studies Program Spring Lecture Series featured Nancy Kricorian, author of Zabelle on March 2, 1999 at St. Paul Armenian Church, in Fresno.  The talk was co-sponsored by the Church. Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program, introduced Nancy Kricorian giving a brief biography of her accomplishments.  She is a ...

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News from ASP Faculty

DICKRAN KOUYMJIAN (Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies) has published “Paris and the Arts,” The Armenian Reporter International, January 24, 1998, pp. 17 & 19; “Les reliures de manuscrits armèniens à inscriptions,” Recherches de codicologie comparèe. La composition du codex au Moyen Age, en Orient et en Occident, edited by Philippe Hoffman, Paris: Presses de lÕecole normale supèrieure, 1998, pp. 259-274; ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Twenty Years Later

By Jennifer Keledjian Staff Writer As part of the continuing series on its 20th anniversary, Hye Sharzhoom has conducted an in-depth interview with Professor Khachig Tölölyan, a prominent Armenian scholar. Professor Tölölyan has been teaching English at Wesleyan University for almost 25 years.  Although his Ph.D. is in Comparative Literature, he primarily teaches the 20th Century American Novel and Literary ...

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