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YSU-CSUF Business Program Brings Profs for Visit

Staff Report Dr. Alexander Chilingaryan, Dr. Narek Martirosyan, and Dr. Armen Yeghiazaryan, all faculty of the School of Business at Yerevan State University (YSU) visited Fresno, February 17 through March 9, as part of the NIS (Newly Independent States) College and University Partnership Faculty and Development Program in Business and Economics between Yerevan State University and California State University, Fresno. ...

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2Mayrer/Children’s Songs in Armenian

Arpik Paraghamian Staff Report In August of 1999 two Armenian women with two daughters each were having a play-date at a park when one asked the other if she sang songs to her children in Armenian. When the reply was ‘yes’ an exchange of rhymes took place and 2Mayrer (two mothers) was formed. Nvair Beylerian and Diane Haroutunian are the ...

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Three Views of Armenian Economy

Chris Tozlian staff writer Most Armenians feel some sort of tie to Armenia. They look at it as their place of birth, even if they have never set foot on its soil or gazed at Mount Ararat standing just beyond the border of Armenia. They see it as the setting of their history and they feel a sense of gratitude ...

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Professor Kouymjian’s Sabbatical Leave Activities

Staff Report University lectures, international conferences, art exhibits and book writing have dominated the first months of the sabbatical leave of Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Haig & Isabel Berberian Endowed Professor of Armenian Studies and Director of the Armenian Studies Program. In April and May Prof. Kouymjian was invited on two different occasions to Belgium. In April he served on the ...

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Tom Bozigian Brings Armenian Dance to Students

Nyrie Karkazian staff writer Imagine Armenian dancing for 15 hours in two days. Fifty-six students at CSU, Fresno learned nine new dances during a weekend class offered by Tom Bozigian, of Los Angeles. The students were part of the very first Armenian Dance Class offered at a university, as a regular course for 1 unit of college credit, through the ...

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Hye Sharzhoom

Staff Report Editors Michael Harutinian & Sevag Tateosian Layout Dikran Chekian Staff Nazik Arisian Tamara Karakashian Ara Mekhitarian Robert Torosian Christopher Tozlian Anne Visser Photographers Dikran Chekian Barlow Der Mugrdechian Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian

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Letters to the Editor

Staff Report Dear Prof. Der Mugrdechian: It was your father Bob, who told us about Hye Sharzhoom and got us on the mailing list. We have enjoyed receiving the news. It’s fun to get a slant from Fresno on church news and events we have here and you have there. Your students and studies sound wonderful for the students involved. ...

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Armenian Studies Program Book/Video Donations

Staff Report Dr. Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the donors, authors, and publishers for the following books, periodicals, videos and archival gifts.His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, for a copy of his book The Armenian Church Beyond the 1700th Anniversary. Antelias: 2001. Internationale Politik, Frankfurt, Germany, for the journal, Internationale ...

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Armenians and the Internet

By: Ara Mekhitarian The Forgotten Address: http://www.theforgotten.org Brief Summary: The Forgotten is a web site dedicated to informing people about the Armenian Genocide. Unlike other Armenian Genocide web sites, The Forgotten is designed entirely with Macromedia Flash, making the site very easy and enjoyable to navigate. The informative time line explains all the genocide-related events that occurred from 1893 to ...

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Reading by Novelist Marcom

Christopher Tozlian Staff Writer Three years after beginning what eventually would take countless hours of hard work, Micheline Aharonian Marcom is finished. In 1997, Marcom began writing her debut novel, Three Apples Fell From Heaven, which she completed just last year. But don’t let the title fool you…this is not just another book written by an Armenian on Armenian folklore, ...

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