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M. Victoria Kazan Endowment Funded with $358,000 Gift

Chris Tozlian staff writer With the current talk of budget cuts throughout the whole of the California State University system, it is quite reassuring for the Armenian Studies Program at CSU Fresno to have gracious benefactors. These budget cuts weigh on the minds of professors and administration alike, but from within the Armenian Studies program, things are “looking up.” In ...

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Two YSU Professors Visit Fresno

Chris Tozlian Staff Writer During the last two weeks of January and the first week of February 2003, Arman Gabrielyan and Karine Asryan were not within their regular confines on the campus of Yerevan State University (YSU), where they both are associate professors in the University’s Faculty of Economics (Business School). Instead, they were attending classes daily at CSU Fresno. ...

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Ambassador Kirakossian Guest Speaker at ASP 17th Annual Banquet

Zhanna Bagdasarov and Alex Bunch Staff Writers On the evening of Sunday, February 9, 2003, Armenian Studies Program faculty, as well as student scholarship recipients and supporters of the program came together at the Residence Dining Facility to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno. Among the distinguished guests were: Arman Kirakossian, the ...

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December 2002 Hye Sharzhoom Staff

Editor Tamara Karakashian Layout Dikran Chekian Photographers Dikran Chekian Barlow Der Mugrdechian Staff Alex Bunch Carina Karakashian Nyrie Karkazian Chris Tozlian Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian

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Armenian Studies Program Book/Video/CD/ Donations

Staff Report Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the authors and publishers for the following books, periodicals, videos, and archival gifts either offered personally or to the Program. Alidz Agbabian, Dzalabadig, Images from the Diaspora’s Mother Community, in Armenian, Los Angeles: Dzil-u-Dzar Publications, 2002, 32 pages, large format with CD of songs. A book ...

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A Thank You from the President of the Armenian Students Organization

Sevag Tateosian ASO President I would like to thank the students of the Armenian Students Organization (ASO) for electing me President this year. I am thankful that they had enough trust and faith to vote me into the Presidency. Last year as Vice President under Michael Harutinian, I learned a lot about the Armenian students of Fresno State. For example ...

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Yergu Puta-Mahd Verr (Two Thumbs Up!) “BY THE SEA”

Carina Karakashian and Nyrie Karkazian Writers Lebanese cuisine is one that is widely accepted in the Armenian community. In fact, much of Armenian cooking is heavily influenced by Lebanese or Middle Eastern cuisine. Lebanese cuisine is also largely accepted among those locally, in the Fresno area. There are numerous Lebanese/Middle Eastern restaurants in the Fresno area, however, we chose to ...

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Armenian Students Organization Has A Great Start

Alex Bunch Staff Writer The Armenian Students Organization (ASO) began the 2002-03 school year by holding it first meeting in September, with more than 25 members present. A new executive was also elected. The next meeting and get-together was at Dominion Pizza, located at the northwest corner of Cedar and Shepherd. There were a lot of games and things to ...

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Dr. Merguerian on “The Armenian Question” in US Foreign Policy

Chris Tozlian Staff Writer On Tuesday, November 12th, Dr. Barbara Merguerian delivered her second in a series of three lectures on “The Armenian Question in United States Foreign Policy” for the Armenian Studies Program Fall 2002 Lecture Series. Dr. Merguerian, the third Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies, spoke on “The Witness of the American Consulates” in Armenia during the ...

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New 2003 Calendar from Project SAVE

Staff Report Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives has released its 2003 photograph calendar titled “Armenian Women: As Never Before Seen”. Each month of Project SAVE’s 16th annual calendar features archive photographs that reflect many aspects of women’s lives from the 1800s to the present, from Sebastia to San Francisco. This year’s calendar photo selections were chosen by reviewing the hundreds ...

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