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Author Markar Melkonian on New Book

Sarah Soghomonian Staff Writer “It’s about time that we loudly repudiate the romantic conceit that ‘my pen is my gun.’ Pens are pens and guns are guns. There are more than enough ‘intellectuals’ in the diaspora. What we need are fighters, soldiers, fedaiis.” – Monte Melkonian Hakop Tataryan Editor Heroes are like ghosts, many people speak of them, but only ...

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Erysian Appointed Interim Director of Internationl Programs

Staff Report Bill Erysian has been named Interim Director of International Programs at Fresno State University. A Fresno State graduate of the class of 1980, Erysian was the first co-editor of Hye Sharzhoom in 1978, a member of the Armenian Students Organization, and took several courses in the Armenian Studies Program. Erysian has served as Coordinator of Grants and International ...

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Armenian Studies Program Book/Video/CD/Archival Gifts

Staff Report Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the donors, authors, and publishers for the following books, periodicals, videos, and archival gifts either offered personally or to the Program. His Holiness Aram I, Catholicossat Armenien de Cilicie, Antelias, Lebanon, for his book The Christian Witness at the Crossroads in the Middle East, published in ...

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Eench ga Chga

Carina Karakashian Staff Writer IF YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO TELL THE WORLD ONE THING ABOUT THE ARMENIANS, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Name: Hakop Tataryan Year: Junior Armenians are some of the hardest working people in the world. Our ability to succeed in any environment is a testament to that. We are also an extremely fun-loving people who never miss ...

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Armenians on the Internet

Alex Bunch Staff Writer Touring Ani – Virtually Address: http://www.virtualani.freeserve.co.uk/ Main Categories: History of Ani, Maps of Ani, Buildings of Ani, Message Boards, General Pictures, and Travelers Accounts Brief Summary: Virtual Ani takes you an on an in-depth look at the Armenian capital city of Ani. Through many pictures and descriptions viewers are exposed to the once capital and now ...

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Four California Armenian Charities Receive $333,000 Each from a $20 Million Class Action Settlement

Staff Report A ceremony in which four California Armenian charities received $333,000 each from a $20 million class action settlement between New York Life and descendants of the 1915 Armenian Genocide took place in Los Angeles on Monday, February 28, 2005. Martin Marootian, age 89 and lead plaintiff in the class-action against New York Life, class attorneys Brian S. Kabateck, ...

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UAF Reaches $400 Million Mark In Relief Supplies to Armenia

Staff Report Glendale, CA – The United Armenian Fund’s 132nd airlift arrived in Yerevan on February 27, delivering $3.2 million of humanitarian assistance. The UAF itself collected $2.6 million of medicines and medical supplies for this flight, most of which were donated by the Catholic Medical Mission Board ($2.4 million) and AmeriCares ($196,000). Other organizations which contributed goods for this ...

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Armenian Genocide Monument Planned for Glendale

Staff report Glendale, CA)- The Armenian Genocide Monument Council of Glendale (AGMCG) recently announced the launching of their website (www.armeniangenocidemonument.com) and plans for a Monument design competition. The AGMCG will oversee the design and construction of a commemorative monument in the City of Glendale dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Genocide, the first genocide of the 20th Century. The ...

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Anthology of Armenian Music-CD Set

Staff Report Robert Amirkhanian, President of the Composers’ and Musicians’ Union of Armenia, has undertaken a project to produce an extensive Anthology of Armenian Music, which is envisoned to be a twelve volume CD set with annotations and historical information about Armenian composers, beginning with Komitas. Volumes 1 and 2 of the series have been released. Below are excerpts about ...

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Poochigian Legislation in California Would Permanently Desginate April 24 “Day of Rememberance of the Armenian Genocide”

Staff Report (Sacramento) Senator Chuck Poochigian (R-Fresno) has introduced SB 424, which would permanently designate April 24 as “Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide” on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of that dark period in history. “While the California Legislature has recognized April 24 as the Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide for many years, this is ...

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