Zhanna Badgasarov

Question 1. What made you interested in running for ASO office?
Question 2. What is your biggest goal for ASO this academic year?
Question 3. How do you hope to contribute to the ASO during your time as an executive officer?
Grigor Kyutunyan–President
Major in Business and minor in Armenian Studies
1. I am a proud Armenian dedicated to serving the Armenian students at Fresno State through the Armenian Students Organization (ASO) and I had always planned to be involved with ASO.
2. My biggest goal this academic year is to bring together all the Armenians that will participate and be involved in the events and activities for the 2006-2007 academic year.
3. I plan on contributing my knowledge, networking skills, and abilities in performing and providing the best services along with my fellow executives in giving the members great memories, network, experience, and fun. I also plan on organizing new events and getting as many Armenians involved with volunteering and other activities during this academic year.
Gary Krboyan-Vice President
Double major in Philosophy and Criminology
1. The main reason why I chose to run for office was because I wanted to increase student participation in volunteer work in the community.
2. and 3. My main goal, as Vice-President, is to expand the ASO horizons by contributing more time and effort into our community in hopes of gaining more recognition as an organization. Furthermore, I would like to increase the number of members in our organization so that collectively “we” can contribute to our community.
Pateel Mekhitarian-Treasurer
Major in Chemistry and double-minor in Armenian Studies and Spanish
1. I was interested in running for office because I want to be involved in the Armenian community on campus, and I also want other Armenians to get involved.
2. My biggest goal this year for ASO is to try to inform every Armenian at Fresno State that we are fortunate to have an Armenian organization on campus, and I want ASO to be not only a club, but an effective group of active Armenians who will make a change in the Armenian community in Fresno.
3. I hope to contribute by gathering students together and by alerting everyone about our organization and to make the club fun for all the students.
Knar Mekhitarian-Public Relations
Major in Business Accounting and minor in Armenian Studies
1. I have always been interested in running for ASO office.
2. We hope to have as many members as we can, and have fun!
3. I am planning on doing as much as I can for the club this year, in addition to getting involved in the Armenian community.