Armen Arikian
Staff Writer
The newly-elected executive officers of the Armenian Students Organization were interviewed about their plans and goals for the new semester.

Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian
Tamar Karkazian
Business Administration-Option Sports Marketing
What inspired you to take part as a leader in ASO?
The reason I decided to run for President this year is because of my involvement in many Armenian organizations in the community. I felt that by becoming president of ASO I could get all the different Armenians to work together, and get more youth involved in these organizations.
What is your goal for the future of ASO?
My goal for this year is to increase student participation. When I was younger I always heard how fun ASO was and how there were so many people. I want to bring that spirit back.
What has been your favorite experience in the ASO?
My favorite experience has been interacting with all the students. It has been a blast getting to know all our members and working with them.
Vartush Mesropyan
What inspired you to take part as a leader in ASO?
I was inspired to become a leader in order to stay close to my heritage, support the Armenian community, and represent the Armenians.
What is your goal for the future of ASO?
My goal is to encourage others to join and become a part of a strong, well-known organization. I believe it is very important to continue to engage and communicate with all Armenians in order to have a successful organization.
What has been your favorite experience in the ASO?
Being a part of the executive board these past two years has been wonderful. My favorite experiences have happened when everyone has come together and participated in all the activities.
Armen Melidonian
What inspired you to take part as a leader in ASO?
I wanted to contribute to the club and take responsibility in an executive position. I feel I am capable of helping keep the financial accounts and keeping a balance.
What is your goal for the future of ASO?
I would like to have a variety of different activities and events, and plenty of them. I want to help motivate more participation. Ultimately, I’d like to get ASO to realize its potential and grow.
What has been your favorite experience in the ASO?
I enjoy the socials the most; they’re so much fun to attend! It allows me an opportunity to meet my fellow Armenians.
Noel Lenard
Graphic Design
What inspired you to take part as a leader in ASO?
I just wanted to have an input in the club’s activities, and thought it would be a nice way to meet more people.
What is your goal for the future of ASO?
It would be awesome to have more members coming more often to activities.
What has been your favorite experience in the ASO?
So far, the Game Day we had on Saturday October 2nd. The energized environment and good company provided a great way for everyone to come together and enjoy the day.
Faten Myaznih-Kassabian
Nursing with minor in Child Development
Public Relations
What inspired you to take part as a leader in ASO?
Many things have inspired me, but the thing that inspired me the most was to opportunity to plan some events that we weren’t able to do last semester. I am hoping to accomplish that this year.
What is your goal for the future of ASO?
My goal this year, is to try to get more students from our university to join the club. There are over 500 Armenians on campus and I hope that we can reach out to them and have them take part in our great organization. I hope to come up with some more exciting events and to get everyone involved, on campus and off. With faith in what you want to achieve, anything is possible!
What has been your favorite experience in the ASO?
I have a few, but I would have to say that my favorite experience was volunteering at the California Armenian Home. That was such a wonderful experience. I loved being there with our club giving back to the men and women living there.