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New Armenian Students Organization: ASO ’95


The Armenian Student Organization begins the 1995 school year with a new outlook, a new attitude, and a new group of people. The club is striving for a social atmosphere in order to attract those who are outgoing, creative, and energetic. Anyone who is willing to participate in fund-raisers, dances, pizza parties, cultural events, and social meetings is welcome.

The members of ASO represent the Armenian community with pride and dignity. This year the club is committed and determined to be recognized as an active participant on campus as well as in the community. The club hopes to reach out to students who want to learn more of their Armenian heritage while having a wild and fun time making friends. They represent a large group of people who want to see their culture and traditions kept alive at Fresno State. This time it’s so much more than business meetings and tiresome agendas. Members can all look forward to mountain cabin trips, billiards, and movie nights. Just come and see.

To be involved in ASO means you are involved at Fresno State and have taken on a rewarding commitment. The club is looking to “spice things up and groove in a new way,” to use the words of its new president, Raffy Khorozian.

So ASO needs attitude, character, and members with a wide range of personality. The new executive officers are as follow: President-Raffy Khorozian, Vice Presidents-Tina Attashian, Crissi Jelladian, Aznive Tchapadarian, Secretary-Karen Karabian, Treasurer-Mike Pogosian, and Historian-Greg Tchaparian. Crissi Jelladian, who ran for office during her first ever ASO meeting, said, “Joining the club sounded like a fun way to get involved with my Armenian heritage.” As an active member of the Armenian Student Organization, Mike Pogosian offers a look at the then and now club, “All it can do now is get better. I have seen the club improve, especially this year with all the new faces and the variety of Armenians that have united.”

This year everyone looks forward to seeing the members of ASO grow as do they anticipate large participation during all activities. The future of this club and the future of Armenian recognition lies in the hands of the students so your time and effort is greatly appreciated.

Tina Attashian adds, “The executive board is illuminating with enthusiasm and dedication. We are all ready to listen to one anothers ideas, advice and concerns. We are a great team. Plus, the members are just as hyped up. I really believe this year is going to be an amazing year for ASO. It’s filled with new challenges, more learning experiences, fun activities and new friendships.”