Mari Koshkakaryan
taff Writer

Armen Melidonian
Business Administration, Option Accounting
Minor in Armenian Studies
What Armenian Studies activities and/or events did you participate in throughout your undergraduate career at Fresno State?
In addition to getting a minor in Armenian Studies, I have been a member of ASO for more than two years, and served as Treasurer for a year. I was a staff writer for Hye Sharzhoom for two years and attended numerous lectures and ASO activities.
What was your favorite and most memorable Armenian Studies course?
My favorite and most memorable course was Armenian Studies 120T, Armenian Diaspora and Genocide, taught by Dr. George Bournoutian from Iona College. He was the Kazan Visiting Professor for one semester and attending his lectures was quite a different experience. Dr. Bournoutian delved into societal aspects of Armenian history to get us to understand what people were thinking, and also introduced essay topics that got us to ask and analyze open-ended questions.
What was your favorite experience at Fresno State? What will you miss the most?
My favorite part of going to Fresno State was during the last couple of years, when I increased my involvement on campus. I will miss the professors and all my great classmates and the student and professional organizations here. The business courses at Fresno State are challenging and awesome, but taking classes outside my major added many unique and practical insights and skills that I probably would not have learned about otherwise.
What are your plans after graduation?
Following graduation, I plan to become an Accountant and continue applying my knowledge of business beyond the classroom. I plan to get my CPA license within the next few years.