Staff Report

The Fresno State Henry Madden Library reopened on Thursday, February 19, after being closed for construction for nearly two and half years. The new north wing of the Madden Library was constructed after the old north wing was demolished in August 2006. Fresno State President Dr. John Welty was on hand to open the library, along with Dean of Library Services, Peter McDonald.
The architecturally distinctive Madden Library has become a new center for campus life, with ample study space. The design of the Library was inspired by Native-American themes and the natural wonders of the San Joaquin Valley. A Starbucks Coffee has opened on the second floor of the Library, providing an area for relaxation.
The new library is the largest in the California State University’s 23-campus system and the biggest academic building ever on the Fresno State campus (340,000 square feet). More that one million books and periodicals can fit in the Library and there is space for nearly double that amount to meet Fresno State’s future needs.
The $105 million project included construction of the five-story north wing (one level is below ground) and renovation of the south wing. Funds for the project came from bond measure Proposition 55 approved by California voters in 2004 and from a $10 million donation from the Table Mountain Rancheria in 2006.
The south wing was completely remodeled to make space for the Special Collections Department and the Arne Nixon Center for Children’s Literature. The fourth floor of the North Wing will house the Harold Haak Administrative Center, where top University officials will have offices. The Library also has several gallery spaces that will be utilized for various exhibitions.