Jason Ahronian, Jeffrey Ahronian, and Prof. Barlow
Der Mugrdechian at the new Fairgrounds exhibit. Photo: Andrew Hagopian
Matthew Pajouh
Staff Writer
An Exhibit on “Early Armenians in Fresno County” has recently opened on the second floor of the Fresno County Historical Museum, located at the Fresno Fairgrounds. The Exhibit displays many interesting artifacts and focuses on the early history of Armenians in Fresno County. The Exhibit is centered on religion, agriculture, business, and important Armenian monuments as well as featuring those Armenians who have made a significant contribution to the San Joaquin Valley.
Jeffrey and Jason Ahronian, who are both graduates of Fresno State, are proud of designing and creating an Exhibit that would be exciting for the community. They were assisted in the planning and development of the Exhibit by Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Richard Ahronian, and Richard Hagopian. Planning for the Exhibit began in November of 2017 after the Ahronians had visited the Fresno Fair and work on the Exhibit was completed by October 1.
The Ahronians worked closely with Brian Tatarian, President of the Friends of the Big Fresno Fair, and John Alkire, CEO of the Big Fresno Fair. They liked the idea of an expanded Armenian Exhibit and gave the Ahronians flexibility on designing the project. Jeffrey and Jason collected the information, took photos, wrote text, and helped design the layout on the wall and the interactive computer displays.
A reception was held on Thursday, September 6 at the Fresno County Historical Museum to introduce the community to the Exhibit and representatives of various community organizations attended. Brian Tatarian announ-ced that the Exhibit received the coveted Blue Ribbon award, which is the highest honor to be awarded by the Western Fairs Association (an organization consisting of more than 120 of the finest fairs in North America).
The Armenian Exhibit consists of a large pictorial wall with information about Armenian history, the Armenian Genocide, and about the migration of Armenians to Fresno and the San Joaquin Valley.
The Armenian Exhibit also features two kiosks which provide information and photos of prominent Valley Armenians, such as Jerry Tarkanian, William Saroyan, and Kirk Kerkorian. Many other well-known Ar-menians in the community are included in the Exhibit.
More than 40,000 people visited the Historical Museum during the Fair, among them many Armenians throughout the San Joaquin Valley who traveled to the Fresno Fair to see this new exhibit.
The Ahronians raised private funding from the community, which made the completion of the Exhibit possible. They have plans to expand the Exhibit every year with more photos and information.
The community has been very receptive and supportive. The Ahronians wanted to have everyone who visited to feel some kind of attachment to the Exhibit. They have received many positive reactions and so feel they have reached their goal.
The Exhibit is open daily during the Big Fresno Fair held in October, but a tour of the Fresno County Historical Museum year-round can be scheduled year-round, by calling (559) 650-FAIR.