Staff Report

California State University, Fresno President Dr. John Welty bestowed the President’s Medal of Distinction upon His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, at a special ceremony on Tuesday, June 14, at Fresno State.
The President’s Medal of Distinction is the highest non-degree honor the University can bestow on an individual. It is presented to individuals whose contributions in the areas of professional achievement or public service are of national or international significance, or represents a contribution of great significance to the university. It is awarded to those who are worthy of emulation through their leadership.
His Holiness was paying his second Pontifical visit to the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, June 1-21, 2005. As part of his visit, under the title of “Renaissance of Faith,” His Holiness visited campus upon the invitation of the Armenian Studies Program.

Catholicos Karekin II, accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese, Archbishop Vatché Hovsepian, Archbishop Nerses Bozabalian and the Catholicos’ entourage arrived at the Fresno State campus at 11:30AM and were greeted by University President Dr. John Welty, his wife Dr. Sharon Brown Welty, Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program, co-hosts Dr. and Mrs. Varoujan and Lena Altebarmakian, and invited guests and students.
Dr. Welty and His Holiness discussed many areas of mutual interest between the Catholicossate and the University. The Gevorgian Seminary in Etchmiadzin has recently achieved recognition by the Armenian government as an institution of higher learning. Discussions were held about the possibility of Fresno State faculty teaching at the Seminary, thereby also establishing closer relations between the two institutions.
Following the discussion, a luncheon was held in the Smittcamp Alumni House to honor His Holiness. Guests mingled in a warm atmosphere as they enjoyed lunch.
Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program in his opening remarks spoke of His Holiness’ leadership during the past six years, and how Holy Etchmiadzin is undergoing a spiritual and administrative renewal. In addition, many new churches are being built, and older churches renovated as part of His Holiness’ plan to reinvigorate the Armenian people.
Dr. Welty then bestowed the President’s Medal of Distinction to His Holiness.
On October 27, 1999, Archbishop Karekin Nersissian was elected the 132nd Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians and was consecrated on November 4, 1999 in the Cathedral of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.
Since his election, His Holiness has begun the difficult work of the restructuring and reorganization of internal church life, the revitalization of the theological seminaries of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, strengthening Christian education, and the reconstruction of churches and monasteries. Special emphasis has been placed on the preparation of a new generation of clergy to serve Armenian faithful throughout the world.
As of November 2004, more than 25 newly built churches have been consecrated, foundations of 5 new churches have been blessed and are in progress, and reconstruction of historic monasteries and monastic complexes have been completed under the leadership of His Holiness.
In the first five years of his pontificate, more than 100 new priests have been ordained to the Holy Order of Priesthood. Over 35 of these new priests are continuing their higher education in theological universities throughout Europe, the United States and the former Soviet Union. His Holiness’ visit to the United States coincided with several important dates for the Armenian people.
2005 is the 90th anniversary of the Armenian genocide and at the same time the 1600th anniversary of the discovery of the Armenian alphabet.
His Holiness paid his first visit to Fresno State in May 2001, during his first Pontifical visit to the United States, associated with the 1700th anniversary of the establishment of Christianity in Armenia.