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Dear Advisor, Congratulations on the 20th Anniversary of Hye Sharzhoom!  Please pass on my congratulations and best wishes to Arakel Arisian and the staff – Chad, Jennifer K., Matthew, Talin and Jennifer O.  Also, to Michael, the photographer and yourself. The special 20th anniversary supplement to the Collegian was informative and well-written.  Thank you for your hard work and contributions ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Twenty Years Later

By Dickran Kouymjian Director, Armenian Studies Program Twenty years ago I decided that the new Armenian Studies Program I had just formed needed a newspaper.  Why a newspaper?  It is rare that an academic program in a university publish a paper, but in that very academic year, Armenian Studies, was transferred from the School of Art and Humanities to the ...

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German Scholar Hilmar Kaiser Visits Fresno State

By Matthew Maroot Staff Writer To many Armenians, the   topic of the Armenian   Genocide is considered strictly an Armenian issue.  This is understandable when one considers that few non-Armenian scholars have sought to further this cause.  The research of one non-Armenian scholar, however, has certainly opened some eyes in both Armenian and non-Armenian circles alike.  Hilmar Kaiser, a German research ...

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Around the World

* United Armenian Fund 102nd Airlift-  $1.2 million in Aid to Armenia  * Archbishop Mutafyan Elected 84th Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople * Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Proposes New Peace Plan for Karabagh * President Bill Clinton Approves the 1999 Foreign Operations Bill-$79 million in Aid to Armenia  * California Mid-Term Elections Result in Two New Armenian-Armerican ...

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ASO Hosts All-State Armenian Students Convention

By Matthew Maroot Staff Writer Not since 1981 has such an event taken place.  Armenian students from all over California converged on the campus of Fresno State in October to participate in what will most likely be the first of many more conventions of this nature, the All-State Armenian Student Organizations Convention.  Interestingly enough, the last National Armenian Studentsí Convention ...

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Gifts and Books

Staff Report The Armenian Studies Program, its Sahatdjian Library and the Avedian Archives, would like to thank the following individuals for their generous donations. Counsulate General of the Republic of Armenia, of Beverly Hills, for a subscription to Armenia and the World. Thamar Dasnabédian for the book: Dasnabédian, T., Tiramayr-2 , Beirut:, Sipan,1997. Department of Armenian Affairs, of Portugal, for ...

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The Armenian Church Its Sister Churchs

By Jennifer Ounjian Staff Writer Introduction: Throughout my studies I have always been interested in the interaction and sharing between cultures. I hope that this two part series will help us as Armenians identify our religious allies and build even stronger “family”   relations. What makes a people? What makes a culture? It has been said that the term “ethnic” or ...

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Memoirs of a Genocide Survivor

The following is a continuation in a series of student essays to be published by Hye Sharzhoom. If you have an essay about any aspect of Armenian life or culture that you would like to publish in Hye Sharzhoom, please contact Dr. Kaprielian in Social Science Room 216 or call her at 278-6493 or the Armenian Studies Program office at ...

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Armenians and the Internet

Staff Report The Internet and the World Wide Web are one of the fastest growing areas in computers today. There is a web site for almost any subject, including the Armenians. Using any search engine, one can make hundreds or even thousands of matches just by typing the keyword “Armenian.” There are web sites for educational institutions, churches, youth organizations, ...

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Armenian Forum Editors at Fresno State

By Jennifer Keledjian Staff Writer Bringing in a room full of interested listeners and sup porters of the Armenian community, guest speakers Vincent Lima and Ara Sarafian successfully held the attention of the audience for over an hour. The speakers were Vincent Lima, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan and Ara Sarafian, also working at the University of ...

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