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Armenians and the Internet

By Ara Mekhitarian Staff Writer Address: http://www.armeniadiaspora.com/ Contact: info@armeniadiaspora.com Categories: History, Population, Database of Professionals, Travel/Tourism Commerce, Guest Book, Links. How to use: Links are all listed on the left side of the page. Brief Summary: Ever wonder how many Armenians there are in the world? The Armenian population of the world today is estimated to be a little more ...

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ASO Activities-Sp’ 2000

By Shayla Srabian Staff Writer This spring semester the Armenian Students Organization is on the move with many activities. The ASO began with their bi-weekly meeting led by new ASO President Armen Ghanbarian. Ghanbarian joins executive members Gary Atashkarian, vice-president; Talar Atarian, secretary; Tammy Karakashian, treasurer; Shayla Srabian, historian, who are planning activities together . Ghanbarian’s main goal as president ...

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Ag Students From Armenia Study for Semester

By Hasmik Khalachyan-Cañas Staff Writer After several years of preparation by a team consisting of the United States Department of Agricultural (USDA), Fresno State University, College of Agricultural Science and Technology, Armenian Agricultural Academy (AAA), and the Armenian Studies Program, two exchange students from Armenian are finally here at Fresno State participating in the Armenian Agricultural Exchange Program. Mihran Movsissyan, ...

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Hye Sharzhoom is

Editor John Jabagchourian Staff Michael Arakelian Hasmik Khalachyan-Cañas Chad Kirkorian Ara Mekhitarian Shayla Srabian Photographers John Jabagchourian Barlow Der Mugrdechian Shayla Srabian Advisors Barlow Der Mugrdechian Dickran Kouymjian Hye Sharzhoom is a supplement of The Collegian and the newspaper of the C.S.U.F. Armenian Students Organization and the Armenian Studies Program and is funded by the Associated Students. Articles may be ...

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ASP Book Donations

Staff Report Professor Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the authors and publishers for the following books and periodicals. Ms. Silvia Kuyumcuyan, Turkey. Markosian, Mkrtich (1999). On The Shore Of The Tigris (Istanbul: Aras Yayincilik). A. G. B. U., Cairo Chapter Demirdjian, Ervand (1997). Armeno-Egyptian Painter (Cairo: A. G. B. U.). Gevorian, Astghik (1998). Armenian ...

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Staff Report If you look along the Fresno State Men’s Basketball bench you will find another Armenian alongside Jerry and Danny Tarkanian helping out the Bulldogs. Hovig Torigian, a Kinesiology major, is working his first season as a team manager for the Bulldogs. In his aspirations to become a coach himself, Torigian says, “This experience is an excellent opportunity to ...

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Armenian Summer Studies in Venice, Italy

Staff Report The University of Venice will hold its fifteenth annual summer program in Armenian language, history and culture at the University of Venice in August. Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Director of the Armenian Studies Program at CSU Fresno will teach intensive courses in Armenian art and in Armenian history. Fresno State students can register for CSUF credit for the program. ...

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McCain Remarks Spark Firestorm Over Genocide Resolution in House

Staff Report Republican Presidential candidate Sen. John McCain sparked controversy on Tuesday, February 29 when he said that he would not support a congressional resolution calling on the government of Turkey to acknowledge the 1915 Armenian Genocide. His remarks came at a town-hall meeting held in the North Gym on the California State University, Fresno campus. Many Armenian students and ...

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Yerevan State University Delegation Visits

Yerevan State University Delegation Visits Fresno State for Three Weeks of Business Training By Barlow Der Mugrdechian Hye Sharzhoom Advisor A delegation of faculty and administrators from Yerevan State University, Armenia, headed by Rector (President) Dr. Radick Martirossian, arrived in Fresno on Sunday, February 27 for a three-week working visit. Accompanying the Rector are Dr. Grisha Gharibian, Dean of the ...

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Kouymjian Honored as “Man of the Year”

Editor: John Jabagchourian A lifetime of work, dedication and achievement in Armenian studies earned Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, director of the Armenian Studies program at Fresno State, the Armenian National Committee’s honor of “Man of the Year” at a banquet on Sunday, March 5. The day, which Fresno City Mayor Jim Patterson proclaimed “Dr. Dickran Kouymjian Ph.D. Day,” attracted much attention ...

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