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Armenian Tree Project Reports on Activities

Hakop Tataryan Staff Writer Trees are a necessity of life, however they are far more important than most people realize. On Tuesday, February 25, 2003, students and community members gathered at the Alice Peters Auditorium of the University Business Center, to listen to a speech by Jeff Masarjian, who is the executive director of the Watertown, MA based Armenia Tree ...

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Dr. Chookaszian on “Art of Armenia”

Mandy Estrada Staff Writer Dr. Levon Chookaszian is the author of a monograph, over 200 reviews and articles for several scholarly journals, as well as numerous entries for international encyclopedias and reference texts. Numerous members of the community gathered at St Paul Armenian Church at 7:30 PM, on February 10, to attend a brilliant lecture given by Dr. Chookaszian on ...

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Barnes & Noble Hosts Armenian Book Heritage Celebration

Mitchell Peters Staff Writer On Sunday, February 23, 2003, Barnes & Noble Booksellers presented four well-respected Armenian authors to sign and discuss their books on Fresno Armenians, Armenian culture, historical geography, and paleography in an “Armenian Heritage Celebration.” About forty people from the Fresno community came to the Barnes & Noble “Celebration,” that offered refreshments (including traditional Armenian pastries), a ...

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Student from Armenia Pursues MBA at Craig School of Business

Hakop Tataryan Staff Writer For the past several years, the Armenian Studies Program at CSU Fresno has been establishing close ties with Yerevan State University and the Armenian Agricultural Academy. During this time, outstanding students from Armenia have been able to study at Fresno State. The Armenian Studies Program has generated different scholarships for these outstanding students. Students from Fresno ...

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Armenian Studies Program Website Statistics

Dikran Chekian Asp Web-Administrator – special to hye sharzhoom www.csufresno.edu/ArmenianStudies Total hits: 455,928 Starting day: August 14, 2002 Ending day: February 19, 2003 Total days covered: 190 Average hits per day: 2,399 Since its overhaul in August of 2002 the Armenian Studies Program website has generated more then 450,000 hits! The website serves as a research tool for students as ...

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Armenia Elections

Staff Report Armenia’s Central Election Commission published the final official results of the February 19 presidential election which show President Robert Kocharian failing to win an outright victory. According to the official figures, Kocharian garnered 49.5 percent of some 1.4 million votes. This is 0.3 percent less than the preliminary figure cited by the CEC on February 20. The threshold ...

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Tom Bozigian Brings Traditional Armenian Dance to Classroom

Marine Ekezian and Zhanna Bagdasarov Staff Writers Put your best foot forward, that is your right foot! Tom Bozigian, internationally recognized dance instructor, has the ability to make that saying come alive. On the evening of January 31, 2003 and all day February 1, 2003, people interested in Armenian traditional dance gathered at the South Gymnasium of Fresno State to ...

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Course Explores Armenian Architecture

Arpik Paraghamian staff writer A group of nine students have spent three weekends, Feb. 7,8; 14, 15; and 21, 22, looking at slides of ancient structures in a far away place as they studied something little is known about, Armenian Architecture. The class is part of the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State and is being taught by Dr. Dickran ...

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M. Victoria Kazan Endowment Funded with $358,000 Gift

Chris Tozlian staff writer With the current talk of budget cuts throughout the whole of the California State University system, it is quite reassuring for the Armenian Studies Program at CSU Fresno to have gracious benefactors. These budget cuts weigh on the minds of professors and administration alike, but from within the Armenian Studies program, things are “looking up.” In ...

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Two YSU Professors Visit Fresno

Chris Tozlian Staff Writer During the last two weeks of January and the first week of February 2003, Arman Gabrielyan and Karine Asryan were not within their regular confines on the campus of Yerevan State University (YSU), where they both are associate professors in the University’s Faculty of Economics (Business School). Instead, they were attending classes daily at CSU Fresno. ...

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