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Opinion: Dr. Akçam’s April 24 Speech Brings New Perspective

Barlow Der Mugrdechian Advisor Amazing. Forceful. Memorable. These are only a few of the adjectives to describe the unique address given by Dr. Taner Akçam at the Armenian Genocide Commemoration attended by the San Joaquin Valley Armenian community on Saturday, April 24. This was not the first time an academic has spoken to a Genocide Commemoration audience, but it was ...

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ASP 22nd Banquet Honors Scholarship Recipients and Screens Premier of Saroyan Film

Tamar Karkazian Staff Writer If one were present at the Fort Washington Golf and Country Club Banquet Hall on March 29, 2010, they would have found their eyes scanning over a crowd of 200 students, parents, professors, and members of the Armenian community all dressed in fitted suits, tailored pants, and detailed dresses. They were gathered for the Armenian Studies ...

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Staff Box

Editor Pateel Mekhitarian Layout Barlow Der Mugrdechian Photographers Barlow Der Mugrdechian Erica Magarian Staff Writers Evelyn Demirchian Tamar Karkazian Mari Koshkakaryan Armen Melidonian Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian barlowd@csufresno.edu

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ASP and ASO Plan Campus Genocide Commemoration

Staff report Armenian Studies Program and Armenian Students Organization Campus commemoration of the 95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Friday, April 23  • Noon • Free Speech Area • Fresno State Main Speaker: Fresno City Councilman Andreas Borgeas The Armenian Students Organization is seeking photos of Genocide survivors. Please send photos by email, as a digital file. Include the sender’s ...

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ASP 95th Anniversary of the Genocide Activities

Staff Report Friday, April 16 • 7:30 PM Dr. Bedross Der Matossian, MIT “The Taboo within the Taboo: The Fate of the ‘Armenian Capital’ in the End of the Ottoman Empire” One of the marginalized topics in the historiography of the Ottoman Empire in general and that of the Armenian Genocide in particular is the fate of the “Armenian economy” ...

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Varaz Samuelian Art Exhibit in Fresno City Hall-Opening Reception May 6 to Highlight Artist’s Work

Hazel Antaramian-Hofman Staff Writer The Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State, in collaboration with the Fresno Arts Council, the City of Fresno, and the Armenian Museum, will host in the month of May a long awaited exhibition of Armenian-American artist, Varaz Samuelian. The work will be displayed on the second floor of City Hall. A reception and opening of the ...

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Terian Gives Talk on Armenian Identity and the Genocide

Tamar Karkazian Staff Writer Armenian identity and the Genocide—we don’t expect to hear topics like this until April, when we, as a community, come together to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. However, this was the topic of discussion on Wednesday evening, February 17. Dr. Abraham Terian, the eighth Henry S. Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies at Fresno State gave ...

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Siekierski Speaks on “Folk Religiosity in Contemporary Armenia”

Tamar Karkazian Staff Writer Think back to the fall of 2000, around election time. Try to remember the large pieces of cardboard placed in lawns and street corners, in bright reds and deep blues. Do any names stick out from those elections? One should. Debra Kazanjian. She ran and was elected as a Judge of the Superior Court, County of ...

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San Joaquin Armenian Community Marks Vartanantz

Evelyn Demirchian Staff Writer On Thursday, February 11, Armenian community members gathered at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church to honor Vartanantz, in commemoration of the Battle of Avarayr on June 2, 451. On that day, the Christian Armenians of the Sassanid Persian Empire took arms against their Persian aggressors and the Armenian leader General Vartan Mamigonian became a symbol of ...

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Weekend Class Focuses on Armenia Today

Armen Melidonian Staff Writer The Armenian Studies Program offered a course, Armenian Studies 120T-Armenia Today, which covered the history and development of the modern Republic of Armenia, on Friday, February 19 and Saturday, February 20. The course also covered Armenia in the early twentieth century and in the period of the Soviet Union. Events leading to Armenia’s independence nearly two ...

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