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Pianist Vardan Mamkonian Opens Keyboard Concert Series

Ruzan Orkusyan Staff Writer On Sunday afternoon, September 18, 2011, a full house at the Fresno State Concert Hall was transported into the vibrant world of do, re, mis. The talented pianist Vardan Mamikonian dazzled an attentive audience of more than 400 with passages from Liszt, Bach, and Chopin, allowing the audience to escape into a fantasy, forgetting for a ...

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Staff Box

Editor Tamar Karkazian Layout Barlow Der Mugrdechian Photographers Barlow Der Mugrdechian Erica Magarian Staff Writers Armen Arikian Evelyn Demirchian Andrew Esguerra Armen Melidonian Ruzan Orkusyan Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian barlowd@csufresno.edu

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Congratulations to May 2011 ASP Graduating Students and Minors

Staff Report Tamar Der Kevorkian Major: Business Administration Minor: Armenian Studies What on-campus Armenian activities were you involved in? I’ve been involved in ASO since I came to Fresno State in Fall 2006. I’ve gone to ASO meetings, fundraisers, guest lectures and commemorative Genocide events. How did your involvement with the Armenian Studies Program affect your college experience?  I was ...

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Ennch Ga Chga?

Tamar Karkazian Editor How do you feel the Genocide affects Armenians? Armen Melidonian It is as if every Armenian is born into this position of feeling responsible to remember the Armenian Genocide and to ask one’s self: “I am here and I exist; now what?” It’s one thing to merely say “I must survive” and it’s another thing to say ...

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Armenians on the Internet Virtual Museum of Komitas

Armen Arikian – Staff Writer Virtual Museum Of Komitas http://www/komitas.am Main Categories: Biography, Work, Komitas-musicologist, Students, Poetry, Letters, Komitas and Genocide, Komitas’ illness, Gallery, Writers about Komitas, Researchers of Komitas, Arrangements of works, Komitas in the modern Armenia, Bibliography, Discography, Komitas Quartet, Links, About the project, Feedback. Summary: Soghomon Soghomonian, later known as the nineteenth century composer Komitas, remains a ...

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“Don Juan Avia” Comedy in Fresno

Ruzan Orkusyan Staff Writer Love, loyalty, promises, cheating, scandals and most importantly copious humor coupled with great acting and vivacious music provided for an enjoyable and unforgettable experience at the comedic play “Don Juan Avia.” As part of its American and Canadian tour, organized by Levon Travel of Glendale, the play made its Fresno debut on March 27, 2011 to ...

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Author Arax Fills Tatarian Chair at Fresno State

Evelyn Demirchian Staff Writer Award winning author, journalist, and Fresno State alumnus Mark Arax returned this academic year to fill a position named after his former mentor, the Roger Tatarian Chair in the Department of Mass Communications and Journalism. Arax, who also graduated from Columbia University, forged a name for himself as a top investigative reporter for the Los Angeles ...

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ASO Activities

Tamar Karkazian Editor The month of April is a solemn time for Armenians around the world, as they come together to commemorate the Armenian Genocide. This year ASO decided that the goal would be to not only remember the Armenian Genocide, but to also honor the 1.5 million Armenians who died. Fifteen students served as members of the Genocide Commemoration ...

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Dr. La Porta on Dante and Armenian Poets

Andrew Esguerra Staff Writer On Wednesday, April 7th, Dr. Sergio La Porta, Haig and Isabel Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies at Fresno State, explored connections between the works of famed nineteenth century Armenian poets Bedros Tourian, Daniel Varujan, and Eghishe Charents to the medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), the author of the Divine Comedy. The three parts of the ...

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Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Director Dr. Hayk Demoyan

Tamar Karkazian Editor The Armenian Genocide holds a special place in our hearts—every April Armenians come together to commemorate the loss of 1.5 million Armenians. Something that many Armenians connect to remembrance of the Armenian Genocide is the Armenian Martyrs Monument at Tsitsernakaberd. So it was a great honor to have Dr. Hayk Demoyan, Director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute ...

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