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Opinion-Reflections on the 20th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Armenia

Evelyn Demirchian Staff Writer Think back to over twenty years ago; a lot was different in society and around the world. There was no Facebook, no smart phones, and no independent Armenia. It was not until September 21, 1991 that Armenia declared itself independent from the Soviet Union. Since the emergence of an independent Republic of Armenia, the nation of ...

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Melidonian Graduating in Fall with Minor in Armenian Studies

Mari Koshkakaryan taff Writer Armen Melidonian Business Administration, Option Accounting Minor in Armenian Studies What Armenian Studies activities and/or events did you participate in throughout your undergraduate career at Fresno State? In addition to getting a minor in Armenian Studies, I have been a member of ASO for more than two years, and served as Treasurer for a year. I ...

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Students Recount Impressions of Visit to Armenia on ASP Summer Trip

Staff Report David Tataryan Senior, Computer Science This past summer I took a trip to Armenia and it was an unforgettable experience. All of my life I had wanted to see the city I was born in, the neighborhood my parents grew up in, and the home that my family once lived in. And I finally did. I was very ...

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Meet the Enthusiastic Fresno State Hye Sharzhoom Staff

Tamar Karkazian Editor People often say the people you work with make the experience amazing or not; they influence the environment and outcomes. During the past three years a dedicated group of students, who make up the Hye Sharzhoom newspaper, have provided an amazing experience. They are all dedicated to the Armenian community and are always willing to give 100% ...

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Fresno State Alumni Find Success

Staff Report Tatevik Ekezian Major in Psychology with a minor in Armenian Studies Graduated in 2004 Writer for Hye Sharzhoom, Vice President of ASO, Host of Hye Oozh Radio Since graduation Ekezian has been very active in the Armenian community, especially in the music scene. After eight years of hosting Hye Oozh, she became the main host for the program. ...

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Review – Haik Solar and Arni Rock Bring Synth Pop to Armenia

Suren Oganessian Staff Writer When listening to Armenian music we usually find that certain elements are used; the same instruments, and similar melodies. But a duo composed of Haik Solar and Arni Rock, two musicians from Armenia, has taken a different approach to music. Absent are the duduk, the kamancha, and other Armenian staples. Instead they have imported the style ...

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ASP Represented at Third Genocide Conference

Staff Report The Third International Conference on Genocide was held on Friday, November 4, on the campus of Sacramento State University. A panel on the Armenian Genocide was organized and chaired by Dr. Sergio La Porta, Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies at Fresno State, and included five papers on various aspects of the Armenian Genocide by scholars including Fresno State’s ...

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Review – “The Fatal Night”

Ruzan Orkusyan Staff Writer The Fatal Night: An Eyewitness Account of the Extermination of Armenia Intellectuals in 1915. Studio City, CA: H. and K. Manjikian Publishers, 2007. 67pp. Volume 2 of the Armenia Genocide Library Book Series. Mikayel Shamtanchian vividly captures the events of April 1915 and the succeeding years with a poignant, tragic, and at times even a sarcastic ...

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Dr. La Porta at 30th Anniversary Conference of AIEA

Staff Report From October 6-8, 2011, Dr. Sergio La Porta, Haig and Isabel Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies, attended the 30th anniversary meeting of the Association Internationale des Etudes Arméniennes (AIEA), which convened at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. The congress, which is held once every three years, is the largest such gathering devoted to Armenian Studies and ...

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Dr. Aslanian Discusses New Julfan Trade Network

Armen Arikian Staff Writer Dr. Sebouh Aslanian, newly appointed Richard Hovannisian Professor of Modern History at UCLA, was invited to speak at Fresno State on “From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean: The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa” on Friday, October 21, as part of the Armenian Studies Program Fall Lecture series. Dr. Aslanian came with ...

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