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Dr. Thomas Mathews Discusses the Mystery of the Gospel of King Gagik of Kars

Ruzan Orkusyan Staff Writer Armenia’s rich, diverse history and culture is perhaps best described through ancient manuscripts and artwork. Since such valuable resources are often unknown, many aspects of the Armenian past are kept secret. Dr. Thomas F. Mathews, Professor Emeritus of Art History at the Institute of Fine Arts at NYU, enlightened a captivated audience on February 8, 2012, ...

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“Camp Darfur” Traveling Exhibit Highlights Genocide

Denise Altounian Staff Writer Almost every Armenian grows up learning about the Armenian Genocide. We are told of the massacres our ancestors faced at the hands of the Young Turks, and the struggle we now face to keep this story alive, in hopes that one day it will get the recognition it deserves. Many times this is done in vain, ...

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Mexican Ambassador to United States Arturo Sarukhan Pays Visit to Armenian Community

Tamar Karkazian Editor Thursday, February 16, was an eventful evening for the Armenian community of the San Joaquin Valley. The community gathered for the annual Vartanantz Commemoration, and also had an opportunity to meet with the Ambassador of Mexico to the United States, Arturo Sarukhan, prior to the church service and program. The commemoration took place at the St. Gregory ...

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Raffi Hovannisian Offers New Perspectives on Armenia

Andrew Esguerra Staff Writer Following the 20th anniversary of Armenian independence, which fell on September 21st of last year, a Fresno State audience of more than 200 gave their attention to a truly unique speaker, Raffi Hovannisian. Hovannisian, who visited Fresno on Friday, December 23, offered a look at Armenia from the perspective of a former Foreign Minister of the ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Staff

Editor Tamar Karkazian Layout Barlow Der Mugrdechian Photographers Barlow Der Mugrdechian Erica Magarian Copy Editor Randy Baloian Staff Writers Denise Altounian Armen Arikian Evelyn Demirchian Andrew Esguerra Tatevik Hovhannisyan Mari Koshkakaryan Suren Oganessian Ruzan Orkusyan Emma Shaljyan Marine Vardanyan Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian

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Eench Ga Chga?

What kinds of special traditions does your family have for the holidays? Denise Altounian Staff Writer Ian Garoian Senior Music This year for Christmas, my aunt, uncle, and two cousins are coming to Visalia. We usually make tons of sarma, yalanchi, and rice pilaf and eat way too much of it.       Suren Oganessian Masters Program Creative Writing ...

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“Armenia: Imprints of a Civilization” Opens in Venice

Staff Report A major exhibition, entitled “Armenia: Imprints of a Civilization,” will open in the museums of St. Mark’s Square in Venice on December 16, 2011. Hosting the exhibition will be the prestigious venues of the Correr Museum, the National Archaeological Museum, and the Marciana National Library. The exhibition will mark the five hundredth anniversary of the first book printed ...

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Armenians on the Internet

Armen Arikian • Staff Writer Vem Radio http://www.vem.am/     Main Categories: Home, Programs, Archives, Films, Vem Shop, About Vem, Contact Us, Sponsor Vem Summary: Vem Radio concentrates on  Armenian media art and provides access to several radio programs, films, music, and books. It focuses on tradition and spiritual tastes more than modern. There are about twenty free radio programs ...

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Fall Months are Full of Armenian Studetns Organization Activities and Events

Emma Shaljyan Staff Writer October is always a busy month for college students—with midterms, papers, and other school related events. Members of ASO are no exception, especially with the number of events they participated in. A variety of ASO events were held throughout October: an Armenia Independence Day Celebration, their Annual Car Wash, a Halloween Movie Night, and the “Walk ...

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An Armenian Panduxt’s (Expatriate’s) View

Emma Shaljyan Staff Writer Growing up in Armenia I remember the most discussed topic in my Armenian literature classes was about the panduxts [expatriates]. Every year we read stories and poems about panduxts—people who left their native land because of circumstances, and missed their native land more than anyone could imagine. I knew the meaning of the word, but I ...

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