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Armenians on the Internet

Marine Vardanyan-Editor Armenian Monuments Awareness Project http://ww.armenian monuments.org/en/ Main Categories: Monuments, History, Tourism, Gallery, Online Database, Educational Resources, Research Summary: Armenia is a country rich with sites that showcase the history and culture of its people and land. However, despite the abundance of such sites and monuments scattered throughout the country, many tourists and residents of Armenia are unaware of ...

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Kazan Scholar Siekierski Completes Stay in Fresno

Emma Shaljyan Staff Writer Fresno State was just one stop of many for Konrad Siekierski, a Kazan visiting research scholar, who was invited by the Armenian Studies Program to conduct research on his dissertation on pilgrims and their pilgrimages, from the Diaspora to Western Armenia. Siekierski departed Fresno in March after a very productive four months spent researching and conducting ...

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Osher Institute Hosts Series on Armenians by Der Mugrdechian

Tamar Melkonian Staff Writer Have you ever wanted learn more about Armenia and the Armenians? It is never to late to be a student. This semester participants in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Fresno State had the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of the Armenian people. They attended a four session series, which started on ...

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Ara Sarafian Discusses “The Armenians of Bitlis”

Suren Oganessian Staff Writer Can Armenia one day finally live in peace with its neighbor to the west? Historian Ara Sarafian would answer with an emphatic “yes,” even while people on both sides of the long-simmering ethnic strife in the region might initially express doubt. Director of the Gomidas Institute in London, Sarafian delivered the first lecture of the Armenian ...

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Karkazian Named Deans Medalist in Student Affairs

Denise Altounian Staff Writer Each year Fresno State honors its most distinguished undergraduates with the presti-gious Deans Medalist Award. This award honors the outstanding students within the university’s eight schools as well as the Division of Student Affairs. The medalists are nominated and selected based on academic excellence, community involvement, and other achievements at Fresno State. This year’s Deans Medalist ...

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Der Mugrdechian Speaks on “Fresno Armenians” in Talk at Hayashen Armenian Center in London

Special to Hye Sharzhoom Misak Ohanian Chief Executive Officer Centre for Armenian Information & Advice Hayashen, London On Sunday, July 7, 2013, Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator of the Armenian Studies Program and Director of the Center for Armenian Studies at Fresno State gave an illustrated public lecture in Hayashen entitled “From Armenia to California: The Odyssey of the Fresno ...

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Historian Kurt Discusses Aftermath of Genocide

Suren Oganessian Staff Writer One little-discussed aspect of the Armenian Genocide was addressed when historian Ümit Kurt visited Fresno State on September 17 to speak on “The Emergence of the New Wealthy Class between 1915-1922: The Seizure of Armenian Property by the Local Elites in Aintab” as part of the Armenian Studies Program Fall Lecture Series; what happened to Armenian ...

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Armenian Students Organization Begins New Semester Activities

Tatevik Hovhannisyan Staff Writer The Armenian Students Organization (ASO) has officially kicked off a fresh and exciting semester, full of entertaining events and interesting activities. With the start of the Fall semester, a new executive body was elected at the first general meeting held on Thursday, September 12. The meeting brought back returning students along with first-time freshmen who were ...

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President Castro Visits the Armenian Studies Program During Arts & Humanities Tour

Staff Report Newly appointed Fresno State President Dr. Joseph I. Castro and his wife Mary, together with Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Andrew Hoff, Dean Vida Samiian of the College of Arts and Humanities, and Associate Dean José Diaz visited the Armenian Studies Program on Friday, September 20. They were greeted by Armenian Studies Program Director ...

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“David of Sassoun” Volume Published by the Press

Staff Report David of Sassoun: Critical Studies on the Armenian Epic (The Press at California State University, Fresno, 2013), 228 pages, a collection of essays by the world’s foremost scholars on the great oral epic of Armenia, edited by Dickran Kouymjian and Barlow Der Mugrdechian, has just been published as the newest addition to the Armenian Series of Fresno State’s ...

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