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Staff Box

Editor Marine Vardanyan Layout Barlow Der Mugrdechian Photographers Vartush Mesropyan Barlow Der Mugrdechian Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian barlowd@csufresno.edu Staff Writers Denise Altounian Andrew Esguerra Tatevik Hovhannisyan Tamar Melkonian Suren Oganessian Ruzan Orkusyan Emma Shaljyan Armenian Studies Program Faculty: Barlow Der Mugrdechian, Coordinator, Armenian Studies Program and Director of the Center for Armenian Studies, ASO Advisor, Hye Sharzhoom Advisor (barlowd@csufresno.edu) Sergio ...

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Bulbulian’s The Fresno Armenians Republished as eBook by The Press

Staff Report Berge Bulbulian’s The Fresno Armenians has been republished as an eBook by The Press at California State University, Fresno, in cooperation with the Armenian Studies Program. The Fresno Armenians explores the fascinating journey of Armenians to the San Joaquin Valley and how the community thrived. Available at The Press website http://www.thepressatcsufresno.org/ or by calling 559-278-3056.

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Second International Armenian Studies Congress Organized by Academy of Sciences in Yerevan

Staff Report The Second International Congress on Armenian Studies “Armenian Studies and the Challenges of Modern Times,” was held October 17-19, 2013 in Yerevan, Armenia. The Congress was sponsored and organized by the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, under the Presidency of Dr. Radik Martirosyan. The Congress coincided with the 70th anniversary celebration of the founding ...

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Armenian Genocide Ephemera Project Launched at Fresno State

Andrew Esguerra Staff Writer Armenian Studies began at Fresno State with a mere couple of classes just over half a century ago. Today, the Armenian Studies Program is one of the staple such Programs in the United States, offering courses that disseminate knowledge of Armenian language, culture, art, literature, and history to students. In addition, the steadily growing Program, based ...

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Kevork Ajamian Graduates with Minor in Armenian Studies

Staff Report Kevork Ajamian History Minor in Armenian Studies What encouraged you to take an Armenian Studies course? I was encouraged to take Armenian Studies courses primarily because I am Armenian, and also because of the great things I had heard about the Program and Prof. Der Mugrdechian, through my mother and aunt who had also taken courses. It also ...

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Eench Ga Chga?

Denise Altounian Staff Writer As the holiday season approaches, what are you most looking forward to? Menas Arisian Junior Major: Business I really look forward to spending more time with family and friends.  I am also excited and thankful for the good Armenian meals that will be provided.     Vachagan Vardanyan Senior Major: Computer Science What I look forward ...

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National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia in Fresno

Tatevik Hovhannisyan Staff Writer The works of composer Aram Khachaturian are always beautiful to listen to, but when they are performed by an Armenian orchestra, the same compositions transport the audience to another world—the Armenian world. On Saturday, November 16, the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia visited Fresno for a concert dedicated to the 110th birthday of Aram Khachaturian, one ...

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