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Armenian Studies Program Organizes International Conference on the Committee of Union and Progress

  Staff Report The Armenian Studies Program held an international conference on “The Committee of Union and Progress: Founders, Ideology, and Structure” on Friday, October 12, and Saturday, October 13, 2018 on the Fresno State campus. The Conference focused on the Committee of Union and Progress, who were the political leaders of Ottoman Turkey throughout most of the period 1908-1915. ...

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Exhibit on Armenians and Early Armenian History Opens at the Fresno County Historical Museum

  Matthew Pajouh Staff Writer An Exhibit on “Early Armenians in Fresno County” has recently opened on the second floor of the Fresno County Historical Museum, located at the Fresno Fairgrounds. The Exhibit displays many interesting artifacts and focuses on the early history of Armenians in Fresno County. The Exhibit is centered on religion, agriculture, business, and important Armenian monuments ...

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Dr. Richard Hovannisian Speaks on “Armenia: A Daring Adventure”

  David Safrazian Staff Writer “My Armenian identity is shaped by the Armenian flag and it gave me a sense of purpose. It was to be idealistic and not a realist,” said Dr. Richard Hovannisian.  Dr. Hovannisian was invited to give a lecture titled “The Republic of Armenia: A Daring Endeavor, 1918-2018,” on Thursday, November 1, in the Charles and ...

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SAS Conference on “Republic of Armenia” Held in San Antonio

Staff Report It was more than 100 years ago that an independent Republic of Armenia was established, the first Armenian state since the fall of the Kingdom of Cilicia in 1375. The Society for Armenian Studies organized an international conference, “Innovative Approa-ches to the History of the First Republic of Armenian, 1918-1920,” to mark this anniversary and to bring together ...

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Richard Hagopian Discusses Armenian Song Repertoire

Andrew Hagopian Staff Writer National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) artist Richard Hagopian gave a performance and lecture, April 26, 2018, titled “Armenian Song Repertoire of the Middle East.” Accompanying him were his grandsons, Phillip and Andrew Hagopian, who were showcased on the Kanun (the Middle Eastern Lap Harp) and the Dumbeg (goblet shaped hand drum). Together, the Hagopian trio ...

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Vardanyan Assesses Armenian Studies Role in Supporting Student Identity and Sense of Belonging

Marine Vardanyan Special to Hye Sharzhoom For more than 40 years, Armenian-American students have gone through Fresno State’s Armenian Studies Program, enrolling in courses, participating in activities, and building relationships with professors and peers. Since its inception, more than 12,000 students have taken courses offered by the ASP and more than 130 students have graduated with a Minor. Many alumni ...

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Armenian Artists Featured in New Exhibition

Arshak Abelyan Staff Writer The perspectives of two artists on war and violence are expressed in the works of Armenian artists Varaz Samuelian and Henrik Abedian, who are featured in an exhibition on “The Business of Regret: War, Chaos, and the Rejection of Violence.” The exhibition is a collaboration between the Center for Creativity and the Arts (CCA), the Armenian ...

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“Armenians in Fresno” Subject of Weekend Class at Fresno State

Dustin Vartanian Staff Writer What is an Armenian? Why did Armenians choose Fresno as one of their early destinations? How did they get here? These were some of the questions posed during the “Armenians in Fresno” weekend course taught by Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program. This Armenian Studies course was a rare opportunity to learn about ...

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Armenian Studies Program Directors and Endowed Chair Holders Meet at UC Irvine for Workshop

Staff Report The Society for Armenian Studies held an Armenian Studies Chairs and Directors Workshop on the campus of the University of California, Irvine, on Saturday, September 29. Armenian Studies Program Directors and holders of endowed Chairs in Armenian Studies from across the nation met to discuss a variety of issues and challenges facing the field. The workshop was co-organized ...

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Saroyan Museum Ribbon-Cutting Held August 31

Staff Report The Saroyan House Museum was inaugurated on Friday, August 31, with a festive ribbon-cutting ceremony and the unveiling of a Saroyan plaque on his former home at 2729 West Griffith Way.  The ceremony, which took place immediately before the celebration at the Satellite Student Union at Fresno State, culminated more than two years of planning and construction, which ...

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