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Dr. Şekeryan Teaches Course on Armenians in the Ottoman Empire

Arshak Abelyan Staff Writer Shortly before the beginning of the Spring 2020 semester, the Armenian Studies Program announced that Dr. Ari Şekeryan was appointed as the 16th Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies for the Spring 2020 semester at Fresno State. As part of his assignment, Dr. Şekeryan is teaching a three-unit course entitled “Armenians in the Ottoman Empire after ...

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“All Things Armenian” Radio Hour Premieres on Multicultural 1600AM Radio

Dustin Vartanian Staff Writer Turn up the volume and tune in to Multicultural 1600 KGST-AM Radio. The Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State has brought back its “All Things Armenian” radio program hosted by Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian. The original “All Things Armenian” program aired in 2003-2004 through the Fresno State radio station (KFSR) but, the new program’s airing this ...

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Fresno State Students Walkup and Tatarian Enjoy AUA “Summer Study” Program

Sosse Baloian Staff Writer Early this summer, second-year Mechanical Engineering student Sarkis Tatarian and senior Landscape Architecture Design student Michaela Walkup attended the American University of Armenia’s “Summer Study” program in Yerevan. During the six-week program, both enrolled in one general education course and were housed in apartments close to the campus. At the end of each week, Tatarian and ...

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Korkmaz on “Ergir” and Attachment to Homeland

Arshak Abelyan Staff Writer Armenian refugees from the Ottoman Empire, who were able to escape the Genocide, experienced another traumatic shock by settling in the new Soviet Union. “Living under a new political order necessitated a total transformation of these ex-Ottoman subjects, into loyal Soviet citizens,” stated guest speaker Ayşenur Korkmaz. On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, Korkmaz explored the question ...

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Dr. Ümit Kurt on the Young Turks and Their Pan-Turkist Ideology

  Yervand Boyajyan Staff Writer Over a hundred years has passed, and the Turkish government has yet to recognize the atrocious genocide of the Armenian people. It is a topic about which modern-day Turkey stays silent and continues to deny what the Ottoman Turkish Empire did to the Armenian people in 1915.  On Friday, November 8, 2019, Dr. Ümit Kurt ...

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Armenian Students Organization Enjoys Active Fall Semester

Andrew Hagopian Editor The Armenian Students Organization (ASO) remained very active during the Fall 2019 semester, recruiting many new members. The year kicked off with an Armenian Social Night, which had students enjoying their fellowship over traditional Armenian Khorovadz (Barbecue). The ASO’s next event was a “Halloween Costume Party,” which was a huge success. Held on October 25, students dressed ...

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Isabel Lion Bequest of $5,000 to Armenian Studies

Staff Report Armenian Studies Program Coordinator Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian announced that a bequest of $5,000 was made from the estate of the late Mrs. Isabel (Keklikian) Lion to the Armenian Studies Program for scholarships. Mrs. Lion passed away on February 22, 2018. She was a long-time supporter of the Armenian Studies Program.  In 1946, she married Herbert Lion, who ...

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“The Stateless Diplomat: Diana Apcar’s Heroic Life” Screened in Fresno Premiere

  Carina Tokatian Staff Writer “The more I delved into her [Diana Apcar’s] story, the more I discovered the magnitude of her contribution to Armenia and the Armenian people. And with each discovery, the more awe I felt for this incredible woman,” stated film director and producer Mimi Malayan, who is the great-granddaughter of Diana Apcar. On Tuesday, October 8, ...

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Number of Armenian Studies Minors Growing

Sosse Baloian Staff Writer   The Armenian Studies Program Minor at Fresno State requires students to complete six to seven courses in Armenian language, art, culture, literature, and his-tory. In the Fall of 2019 more than 30 students, an all-time high, have registered to complete their Minor in Armenian Studies.   Garo Minasian History Who or what influenced you to ...

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Callisphere Incorporates Armenian Studies Archives in Online University of California Library

  Carina Tokatian Staff Writer The Fresno State Armenian Studies Program received some exciting news for 2020. It is anticipating the publication of some of its digital archives on an online database known as Calisphere by the beginning of the New Year. The University of California first established the California Digital Library in 1977, later creating Calisphere as one of ...

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