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Fresno State Teaching Credential Provides Direct Path to Area English Classrooms for Graduates

Fresno State News Special to Hye Sharzhoom For Breanna Aivazian, a chance to save money on college by living at home felt like a gift to her future self. Aivazian is just one among dozens of Fresno State alumni this fall who have landed new jobs teaching English and language arts at area high schools. Aivazian teaches freshmen and juniors ...

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Documentary “What Will Become of Us” Screened for CineCulture

Sara Beberian Staff Writer “The least you can do is let it not be in vain,” said Karine Shamlian. “You feel responsible for who we are as a people.” Shamlian understands the terrors her grandmother, Genocide survivor Asdghig Tetezian Alemian, underwent and strives to preserve Armenian culture and traditions to honor her. Alemian, however, is not the only Armenian to ...

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Society for Armenian Studies Elects Executive Officers for 2021

Staff Report The Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) Executive Council held a meeting on November 11, 2020 to choose its new Executive officers for 2021. Bedross Der Matossian (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) was re-elected as SAS President. Also elected were Vice-President Dzovinar Derderian (American University of Armenia); Secretary Nora Lessersohn (University College London); Treasurer Barlow Der Mugrdechian (California State University, Fresno); ...

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Students Discuss Impact of ASP Scholarships

 Benjamin Kirk College of Arts & Humanities Every year, about 50 to 60 students receive a scholarship from Fresno State through the Armenian Studies Program. Awards range from $1,000 to $2,000. A total of more than $70,000 in scholarship and grants from endowments are given to Fresno State to aid students interested in the language and history of Armenian. To ...

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Dr. Charlie Laderman Presents on “The Armenian Genocide and America’s Global Role” for ASP

  Sara Beberian Staff Writer “Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?” Armenians have been plagued by this haunting 1939 question from Adolf Hitler for many years. The Armenian Genocide is an open wound in the hearts of Armenians all around the world. Over 100 years later, Armenians still suffer from Turkey’s denial of their “crime ...

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Crisis in Recent Election of the Armenian Patriarch of Istanbul Explored by Dr. Kılıçdağı

Dustin Vartanian Staff Writer “There remained no legal document that defines the Patriarch and specifies the rights and responsibilities of the Patriarch and also specifying the rules of Patriarchal elections. This would become problematic in future elections for the Patriarch of Istanbul. When elections get complicated, there are no set processes and the Turkish government exerts great influence,” stated guest ...

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The Armenians of Musa Dagh Published by Armenian Series

Staff Report Armenian Studies Program Director Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian announced the publication of Dr. Vahram Shemmassian’s The Armenians of Musa Dagh: From Obscurity to Genocide Resistance and Fame 1840-1915, Volume 11 in the Armenian Series of The Press at California State University, Fresno. The Armenians of Musa Dagh is a comprehensive history of the people of Musa Dagh, who ...

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State of the Art International Conference Explores Historiography, Sources, and Future Directions

Christine Pambukyan Staff Writer On Friday, October 2 and Saturday, October 3, 2020, six scholars participated in an international conference organized by Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian and Dr. Ümit Kurt, titled “The State of the Art of the Early Turkish Republic Period: Historiography, Sources, and Future Directions.” Those who were interested were able to register online in advance for access ...

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ASO Raises Money to Support Armenians in Artsakh and Armenia

Dustin Vartanian Staff Writer The roots of the tree stretch far down beneath the earth. An abundance of vividly red pomegranates lay within the branches. The immense peaks of Ararat are visible in the backdrop. This is an image of Armenian strength and homeland. These images are displayed on the T-shirts the Armenian Students Organization created and sold to support ...

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Leon S. Peters Foundation Grants $30,000 to Armenian Studies

Staff Report Armenian Studies Program Coordinator Prof. Barlow Der Mugrdechian announced that the Leon S. Peters Foundation has made a generous donation of $30,000 to the Armenian Studies Program at Fresno State for 2021. The Peters Foundation has donated over $240,000 to the Program since 2013. Leon S. Peters was respected as a businessman, civic leader, and philanthropist who lived ...

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