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Armenian Traditions and Foods

By Michael Kazarian As an assignment for Armenian Studies 120T-Armenian Cooking Most people in the world, who have been exposed to an Armenian community or are themselves Armenian, know that food is a very central part of the Armenian culture and tradition.  My family is typical of the ìtraditionalî Armenian family whose home life revolves around foodóthe preparation of food, ...

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Armenian Cooking and Family Ties

Matthew Maroot Staff Writer Yalanchi, Kufta, Paklava… as Armenians we are all familiar with these culinary delights, however, not too many college students spend as much time preparing these dishes as they do enjoying them. But this was not the case on the weekend of October 17th and 18th, 1997 as a group of 20 students gathered to take part ...

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My Grandfather Levon

By Sosi Thomassian Staff Writer Levon Shahnazarian doesn’t accurately remember his date of birth, but believes that it was on June 30, 1913.  He was born in Erzerum, in Western Armenia, the son of Serpouhi and Khatcho.  My grandfather  had two sisters and a brother.  Even though he doesnít remember much about his family, he will never forget the day ...

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Odabashian Family History

Michael Harutinian Staff Writer My great-grandfather Karekin was born in 1875 in Erzurum, the ancient capital of Armenia as well as the capital city of the province of Erzurum.  It is a city which has been renamed throughout  the centuries as Garin. Karekin’s grandfather was born in Kghi, one of the most distinguished districts in the province of Erzurum.  In ...

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Sarafian Speaks on Kharpert Massacres

Matthew Maroot Staff Writer “As Armenians, whether we like it or not, if we donít pursue this [the true history of the Armenians] the American Government certainly wonít and the Turkish Government will write something counter-factual about it and we will be erased from history.  History does not write itself.” In this, the third lecture in the Armenian Studies Program’s ...

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New Professor Enjoys Writing and Saroyan

By Talin Mekhitarian Staff Writer Michael Krekorianís life has been filled with success, especially at times when he is underestimated.  While having many interests, it has been difficult for him to decide on which to follow.  Born in Culver City, California, he grew up a young Armenian trying to learn more about his heritage.  After high school he attended California ...

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M. Victoria Karagozian Kazan November 28, 1910 – October 25, 1997

Staff Report M. Victoria Karagozian Kazan died October 25, 1997, at St. Francis Hospital in Roslyn, New York.  She was 86.  With her husband, Henry S. Kazan, Mrs. Kazan established major funding for the study of Armenian history and culture at California State University, Fresno.  Mrs. Kazan was born November 28, 1910, in New York City and moved to Portland, ...

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Gyumri Educators Visit Fresno

By Barlow Der Mugrdechian Advisor A group of ten teachers and administrators from Gyumri, Armenia were in Fresno for a two and a half week training and observation program, which was funded by the United States Information Agency and managed by California State University, Fresno. Dr. Bill Mallios of the Information Systems and Decision Sciences Department was the director of ...

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Around the World

* President Clinton Signs Fiscal Year 1998 Foreign Aid Bill as Approved by Congress – $87.5 Million Earmarked Aid for Armenia – $12.5 Million Approved for Direct Humanitarian Aid to Nagorno-Karabagh * Armenia Fund, Inc. (Hayastan Pan-Armenian fund) Holds Successful  National Giving Telethoní97 on Thanksgiving Day – The Goal is to Rebuild and Strengthen  Artsakh (Karabagh) – 14,000 people donate more ...

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Hovannisian Speaks on New Textbook

Matthew Maroot Staff Writer Armenians from throughout the Valley gathered on Friday, November 7, 1997 to attend the second presentation in the Armenian Studies Program Fall Lecture Series.  Co-sponsored by the Armenian Students Organization,  this lecture was given by Dr. Richard G. Hovannisian, professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History and the holder of the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in ...

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