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“Perhaps It Is Time We All Remembered”- An Opinion

Robert Torosian Staff Writer April 1915, the sun rose over the mountains of Armenia just like any other day, warming up the fields and inviting the people of the villages to wake up from their sleep and to start their daily tasks. No one knew that this day would be anything but another normal day. All of a sudden the ...

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William Saroyan Books Discussed

Staff Report Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program at California State University, Fresno, led a four session series on “William Saroyan: The Man and His World: A Reading and Discussion Group,” on April 2, 9, 23, and 30. The Fresno County Library organized the discussion group as part of the two-month citywide celebration of famed local writer William ...

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Shahen Khatchatryan Speaks on Armenian Art of the 20th Century

Barlow Der Mugrdechian Hye Sharzhoom Sdvisor Shahen Khatchatryan, Director of the National Gallery of Art of Armenia and the Martiros Saryan Musem in Yerevan, Armenia, presented an illustrated lecture on “20th Century Armenian Art” on Friday, April 5, 2002. Khatchatryan’s lecture, part of the Armenian Studies Program Spring Lecture Series, was held in the Alice Peters Auditorium of the University ...

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“Armenia: The Story of A Place…”

Tamara Karakashian Editor Armenians young and old listened engrossed as John Hughes, an American living in Armenia, read one of his emotional and heartfelt essays. In an essay entitled “…And Be Merry,” Hughes elaborated on his experiences in Armenia: “…And so I arrived at Hayk’s house in the morning hour with some expectations. Arrived to the smell of boiling cow ...

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Prof. Kouymjian’s Spring Activities

Staff Report (This article is a continuation of the March 2002 Hye Sharzhoom report on Professor Dickran Kouymjian’s sabbatical leave activities.) Later in the month he traveled to southern Italy, where the University of Lecce organized an international conference entitled “San Gregorio armeno e il suo culto nell’italia meridionale” (Saint Gregory the Armenian and His Cult in Southern Italy). He ...

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Spring 2002 ASO Report

Barbara Harutinian Staff Writer The Armenian Students Organization held a lot of exciting events for the spring semester of 2002. With the hard work and dedication of the students we were able to make this semester successful and memorable. We started the semester off with a meeting and social at Dominion Pizza where members of ASO ate pizza, discussed upcoming ...

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ASP 16th Annual Banquet Features Vartkes Yeghiayan of Glendale

Barlow Der Mugrdechian Advisor More than 25 students were recognized for receiving Armenian Studies scholarships at the 16th Annual Banquet of the Armenian Studies Program, held on a sunny and warm Sunday afternoon in the Residence Dining Facility on campus. Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program, made welcoming remarks and gave a brief overview of the academic year ...

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3rd Annual Armenian Film Festival

Arpik Paraghamian Staff Writer Over 125 Armenian students and members of the community had the opportunity to see four films make their Fresno debuts at the Third Annual Armenian Film Festival on Thursday, April 18, in the Alice Peters Auditorium. For the past three years, the Armenian Students Organization and the Armenian Studies Program, with funding from the University Student ...

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87th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide Commemorated on Campus

Carina Karakashian Staff Writer “It was not war. It was most certainly massacre and genocide, something the world must remember…” (Israeli Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin), and remember is what the Fresno State Armenian Students did on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at their 12 noon remembrance of the 87th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Students, guests, and community members gathered at ...

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Armenian Studies Program Book/Video/CD Donations

Staff Report Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the donors, authors, and publishers for the following books, periodicals, videos, and archival gifts. Edward Alexander, Bethesda, MD, for the copy of his book, A Crime of Vengeance, an Armenian Struggle for Justice. Nebraska: Universe.com, Inc, 1991. Artissage, Arts Magazine, Leiden-Utrecht, 2001, a full color museum ...

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