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Society for Armenian Studies to Hold 24th Annual Meeting in Washington DC, Nov. 23

Staff Report The Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) , will be holding its 24th annual membership meeting in Washington DC on Saturday, November 23, announced Barlow Der Mugrdechian, SAS President. SAS members will gather to discuss issues of vital interest to the field of Armenian Studies. The SAS meeting will be held in conjunction with the Middle East Studies Association ...

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Dr. Avakian Donates Library to Fresno State

Barlow Der Mugrdechian Advisor Dr. Dickran Kouymjian, Haig and Isabel Berberian Professor of Armenian Studies at Fresno State has the pleasure of announcing a major gift to the Henry Madden Library and the Armenian Studies Program of CSUF: the professional Armenological library of Dr. Arra S. Avakian. The collection has an estimated 3,000 books and pamphlets; 95% of the material ...

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Authors Bring Armenia to Life With Photos

Tamara Karakashian Editor If you’ve never been to Armenia, Matthew Karanian and Robert Kurkjian are going to get you there in the 164 pages of their new book, Edge of Time: Traveling in Armenia and Karabagh. They aren’t exactly going to get you there, but they are going to provide a convenient travel resource for your trip! A standing-room only ...

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Dr. Merguerian Selected as 3rd Kazan Visiting Professor

Chris Tozlian staff writer There is a new face within the Armenian Studies Program for the Fall 2003 semester: Dr. Barbara Merguerian, CSU Fresno’s 3rd Kazan Visiting Professor in Armenian Studies. Dr. Merguerian is teaching Armenian Studies 120T , The United States and the Armenians, 1800 to the Present. The course deals with the impact of American missionaries in Armenia, ...

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Graduating Seniors With Armenian Studies Minor

Name: Michael Harutinian Age: 23 Major: Ag Business What are your Plans after Graduation? I plan on doing some traveling and then getting a job in the agriculture field. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In ten years I see myself established in a career. What was the most influential part of your college experience? The most influential ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Staff May 2002

Editor Tamara Karakashian Layout Dikran Chekian Photographers Dikran Chekian Barlow Der Mugrdechian Staff Erica Ananian Carina Karakashian Ara Mekhitarian Arpik Paraghamian Sevag Tateosian Robert Torosian Christopher Tozlian Advisor Barlow Der Mugrdechian

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Armenian Studies Program Book/Video/CD/ Donations

Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the donors, authors, and publishers for the following books and archival gifts. Dr. Alichan Avedis Bairamian, Glendale, CA, for several boxes of books. Dr. Robert Hewsen, Fresno, CA, for copies of two journals: Revue Des Études Arméniennes, 1992 and the Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies, Volume ...

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Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor: God Bless you all. Haig Jamgotchian Anaheim CA Dear Editor: Kudos on a job very well done! Isgouhi Kassakhian Los Angeles CA Dear Editor: We have enjoyed Hye Sharzhoom over the past several years. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Martin Koobatian Santa Barbara CA Dear Editor: Please accept our enclosed donation! We enjoy your Hye Sharzhoom very ...

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Armenians and the Internet

Republic of Armenia–The Official Site Address: http://www.president.am/ Contact: email: comments@panarmenian.net Main Categories: Main Page, The President, Administration, News, Library, Armenia, Messages, Links. Brief Summary: This web site is the official web site of President Robert Kocharian and was created and is maintained by his administration. The web site was designed to offer information about the President and his administration as ...

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Armenian Corner

Sevag Tateosian Staff Writer Parev to all !!! Welcome back to learning how to speak Western Armenian with Sevag. Don’t forget that we are getting closer to the Armenian 1A class that will be offered next semester here on the beautiful Fresno State campus. You don’t need to know a word of Armenian to join the class and every student ...

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