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Neery Melkonian Presents Work of NK (Nagorno-Karabagh) ARTS in Shushi

Gevork Aristakesyan Staff Writer On Wednesday, March 5 the Armenian Studies Program and the Armenian Students Organization hosted a special presentation by Neery Melkonian of NK ARTS. NK ARTS is a non-profit organization that was started by Melkonian in the spring of 1999, to introduce the rich culture of Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) to the world. Nagorno-Karabagh is an independent republic in ...

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W. Saroyan on Iceland National Radio

Ingibjörg Thorisdottir Special to Hye Sharzhoom In December of 2002 Ingibjörg Thorisdottir was trying to put something about William Saroyan and the Armenians on public radio in Iceland and so contacted Dr. Dickran Kouymjian for suggestions. He sent them. She then asked if the radio station could interview him, and after agreeing, Professor Kouymjian was interviewed for about an hour. ...

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Dr. James Waller Discusses Why Ordinary People Commit Genocide

Hakop Tataryan Staff Writer April is the month for commemorating the Armenian Genocide and it was only fitting that Dr. James Waller gave a lecture on the psychology of mass murder and genocide, during this month. At 7:30 pm on April 10, the Department of Psychology joined with the Armenian Studies Program and the Armenian Students Organization in presenting Dr. ...

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4th Annual Armenian Film Festival A Hit

Mitchell Peters Staff Writer On the rainy evening of Friday, March 14, the Armenian Studies Program and Armenian Students Organization at California State University, Fresno, held the Fourth Annual Armenian Film Festival. With the showing of eight short films, the festival proved to be entertaining and educational. The event featured the short films of rising Armenian writers, producers and directors. ...

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ASO Marks Armenian Genocide Day With Commemorative Events

Zhanna Bagdasarov and Marine Ekezyan Staff Writers To mark Armenian Genocide Week, the Armenian Students Organization (ASO) began its commemoration of the 88th anniversary of the 1915 massacres with several activities on campus. The Armenian Genocide refers to the 1.5 million Armenians who were slaughtered by the Ottoman Turkish government from 1915 until 1923. This event continues to be remembered ...

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Hye Sharzhoom Staff for March 2003

Editor Sevag Tateosian Layout Dikran Chekian Photographers Dikran Chekian Barlow Der Mugrdechian Anush Ekparian Advisors Barlow Der Mugrdechian Bill Erysian Dickran Kouymjian Staff Writers Gevork Aristakesyan Zhanna Bagdasarov Alex Bunch Marine Ekezyan Mandy Estrada Carina Karakashian Nyrie Karkazian Arpik Paraghamian Mitchell Peters Armen Postoyan Hakop Tataryan Chris Tozlian

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Armenian Studies Program Book/Video/CD/ Donations

Staff Report Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and the Armenian Studies Program would like to thank the authors and publishers for the following books, periodicals, videos, and archival gifts either offered personally or to the Program. Armenian International Women’s Association and Dr. Barbara Merguerian, Watertown, MA, for the copies of the books: Armenian Women in a Changing World, edited by Barbara J. ...

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Armenians On the Internet

Armen Postoyan Staff Writer Armenian Sites on the Internet Address: http://www2.primushost.com/~narbey/armen/armen.html Brief Summary: Armenian Sites on the Internet is dedicated to all legitimate Armenian websites available. This site is intended to educate the Armenian people on many different aspects of Armenian culture, history, about the Genocide, Armenian literature, art, and even has sites dedicated to different Armenian owned businesses. This ...

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CD REVIEW Adiss Harmandian – Djahelootioun

Armen Postoyan Staff Writer Adiss Harmandian’s Djahelootioun (Youth) album has been one of the latest to hit the Armenian music market. For those of you who don’t know or have never heard the music of Adiss Harmandian, you are missing out tremendously, because he has one of the strongest and nicest voices in all of the Armenian music scene. Adiss ...

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ASO Winter Dance is a Success

Sevag Tateosian Editor On Saturday, February 22, the Armenian Students Organization held its first Winter Dinner Dance which took place at the Smittcamp Alumni House. The dance was open only to ASO alumni and current ASO members; also present were Dr. Dickran Kouymjian and Barlow Der Mugrdechian. The atmosphere at the dance was like something out of a beautiful fairy-tale. ...

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