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Folk Tales of Musa Dagh Focus of Zeitlan Lecture

Lori Havatian Staff Writer Throughout the years “Musa Daghtsis,” the people who originated from the region of Musa Dagh (made famous for their defense of the Turks and from the famous book, Forty Days of Musa Dagh by Franz Werfel), have told folk tales to not only educate the young but also entertain all. Sona Zeitlian, a graduate from the ...

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Artist Soars Tour de Force- Babayan Takes Music to Hearts of His Audience

George Warren Staff Writer Pianist Sergei Babayan has nothing to prove to his fans in Fresno. He’s been here many times before and has shown extreme range of emotion, total command of the keyboard, and a musical vision that goes well beyond the idea of mere entertainment. Babayan drew a full house to the Concert Hall at California State University, ...

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Saroyan Sponsors Institute for Genocide Studies

Hagop Ohanessian Staff Writer It was an extraordinary experience for me to attend the International Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (a division of Saroyan Institute) because it gave me the opportunity to engage with others on topics of similar interest and to discuss the Armenian Genocide. It was interesting to learn about other examples of genocide that have ...

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Armenian 1A Course Attracts Diverse Students

Pateel Mekhitarian Staff Writer Although the Armenian language is complex and can be difficult to learn, students at Fresno State are very eager to read, write, and speak the language. The course is taught every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian. He promptly enters the class each morning with a friendly greeting of Parev [Hello], and from ...

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New ASO Exectives Assume Office

Hagop Ohanessian Staff Writer The Armenian Students Organization (ASO) held its first meeting of the year on September 10. The first order of business on the agenda was to elect the new officers for the year. The officers were interviewed regarding why they wanted to join ASO and especially why they wanted to be executives. They also expressed what they ...

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Saroyan Centennial Celebration Held in Fresno August 28

Staff Report The National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia, under the direction of maestro Aram Gharabekian, performed in concert on Thursday, August 28, as part of the festivities celebrating the 100th birthday of author William Saroyan. The concert featured works by Aram Khachaturian, Komitas, Alan Hovhaness, and Johannes Brahms, among others. The National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia (NCOA) was formed in ...

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Saroyan Celebration in Iceland Features Life and Works of the Noted Author

Ingibjorg Thorisdottir Special to Hye Sharzhoom William Saroyan’s works have been translated into many languages and his centennial is being widely celebrated around the world in 2008. Iceland is no exception. On this little island in the North Atlantic, populated by 300,000 inhabitants, some of Saroyan’s works have been translated into Icelandic. The first translations are from the 1940s when ...

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Bournoutian Appointed 7th Kazan Visiting Scholar for Spring

Staff Report Dr. George Bournoutian, Professor of History at Iona College in New York, has been appointed as the seventh Henry Khanzadian Kazan Visiting Professor of Armenian Studies for the Spring 2009 semester. Dr. Bournoutian is an internationally recognized teacher and scholar, who will be teaching a three-unit course on “The Armenian Diaspora and Genocide.” The course will be offered ...

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Jendian Awarded “Provost’s Award for Faculty Service”

Staff Report This past May, Dr. Matthew A. Jendian was awarded the “Provost’s Award for Faculty Service,” one of five faculty awards presented by Dr. Jeronima Echeverria, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, to honor those faculty who set new standards of excellence at California State University, Fresno. In receiving this award, Dr. Jendian was recognized for his outstanding ...

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William Saroyan’s “Slaughter of the Innocents” in West Coast Premiere at Fresno State Theatre

Staff Report “We will be watching you.” These were the words audience members were greeted to at the beginning of the play “Slaughter of the Innocents,” which was performed at Fresno State in the John Wright Theater October 3-5, and 7-11. The play is about the horrific dealings that occur when government anarchy takes complete control of its citizen’s lives. ...

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