Armen Melidonian
Staff Writer

Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian
The Armenians Students Organization (ASO) has had a productive semester, with preparation and planning for activities and events.
In March ASO held a fundraiser at Me ‘N Ed’s Pizza on First and Bullard Avenues. The pizza fundraiser was beneficial in assisting the club’s funding of numerous activities.
There was a great deal of preparation for the Genocide Awareness week activities, April 19-23.
There will be a picnic on Saturday, May 8, at the Park View area of Woodward Park starting at 11:00 am, with lunch beginning at noon. There will be volleyball, badminton, soccer, tavloo, catchphrase, food, and more.
Keep in touch with ASO by attending upcoming meetings, contacting the President of ASO, or by calling the Armenian Studies Program at 278-2669 for more information on the events as the details develop.