Tamar Karkazian
Staff Writer

The start of September marked the beginning the new ASO year. The 2009-2010 Armenian Students Organization term began on September 2 with its first ASO meeting. This meeting was followed by bi-monthly meetings on Wednesday nights.
An executive committee was selected, with Hagop Ohanessian, who will graduate this Fall, as president. Karine Frnzyan, who wants to be a rehabilitation counselor in the future, was selected as vice president. Selected for treasurer was Faten Myazhih, who’s a nursing major. Vartush Mesropyan, who is also part of the Armenian Radio Hour at Fresno State, was selected as secretary. Tamar Karkazian was elected Public Relations officer.
The Executive Committee has already met numerous times to discuss their goals and plans for the year. Their goal — bring as many Armenians together as possible. They plan on accomplishing this with many social activities such as parties and picnics. Also on the agenda is fundraising.
Their first fundraising event was a car wash, held on Saturday, October 10. It took place at Viktoriya’s Restaurant, at the corner of Herndon and Ingram. The car wash was a great success, with much of the success due to the hardworking members of ASO who came out to help and also to the generous owners of Viktoriya’s. The workers ended the day with a trip to Jamba Juice to cool off.

The ASO has put together an activities committee. Headed by the executives, the job of the activities committee is to help run and plan the ASO activities. So far this committee of eight has come together to help prepare and run the car wash.
The ASO has started a third committee — the Armenian Genocide Week Committee. This committee consists of thirteen people who will organize events throughout the week of April 24. They will plan and coordinate, along with the executive and activities committees, events to help commemorate the 1.5 million Armenians lost in the Genocide.
The ASO is planning a very productive year, with plenty of activities. If all goes well we should be looking at a successful year.