Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian
Alina Arakelian
Staff Writer
Tadeh Issakhanian
Graduate Student
Major: Executive Masters of Business Administration
What will you bring to ASO this year?
I hope to increase the number of students who become involved. I want to combine several different ideas in order to increase involvement at Fresno State as well as open a channel of communication and involvement between our ASO and other college Armenian groups across the state.
What makes ASO unique?
We are unique in that most if not all of our members are pursuing an Armenian Studies minor or are enrolled in one or more Armenian Studies classes. ASO has been around since the 1970’s, which also sets us apart.
Elena Sarmazian
Major: Psychology
What will you bring to ASO this year?
This year I plan on bringing a lot of fun socials to ASO in order to get our members more involved with the community and build friendships with each other.
What makes ASO unique?
Fresno’s Armenian youth is different because we are a small community with big hearts to initiate change for our culture and we are very proud and dedicated to our efforts to do that.
Diana Gasparyan
Major: Communicative Disorders-Language Pathology
What made you choose to be a part of ASO?
In high school, I wasn’t able to socialize with other Armenian students my age because there were so few Armenians. I chose to be a part of the ASO because it provides fun opportunities to socialize, volunteer, and work with fellow Armenians. I also really enjoy being able to give back to the Armenian community.
Molly Gostanian-Treasurer
Major: Business
What makes ASO unique?
I decided to join ASO because I am a freshman and wanted to get involved. I saw the ASO booth on Club Day and I was excited to meet more Armenians and to make a difference in any way possible.
Arthur Khatchatrian
Public Relations
Major: Computer Science
What made you choose to be a part of ASO?
I chose to join ASO because I’m 100% Armenian and I think it’s important for Armenians to unite and come together. When Armenians come together they form their own Armenia, and every Armenian in our community should be part of our Fresno-Armenia. It’s especially important for our generation to protect and preserve our culture and language.