Marine Vardanyan
Staff Writer

Photo: Vartush Mesropyan
In Armenia, snow is an inevitable part of winter. But here in the San Joaquin Valley, it’s not something we get much of. The Armenian Students Organization didn’t let that stop them, as they decided to take their members up to the snow in Yosemite Valley for a fun-filled day of snowboarding and skiing. On Friday, March 30, a holiday, twenty-three ASO members and their friends commenced their Spring Break with a trip to Badger Pass Ski Area.
The trip began with an hour-long skiing or snowboarding lesson with the Badger Pass staff. Soon after, everyone was ready to take on the slopes and put their skills to use. Some were first-time skiers or snowboarders, others were more experienced, but regardless of their level, all of the members stuck together and helped each other out.
“We all had lots of fun and shared a good amount of laughter together. Since most of us were first time skiers, it made things even more fun,” explained Emma Shaljyan. “We fell lots of times and helped each other up, and kept trying over and over.”
The ASO snow trip gave the students an opportunity to view the beauty of our Yosemite Valley and to enjoy some winter sports, snowball fights, and a lot of laughter.
The ASO ski and snowboarding trip was a new event for the organization and a true adventure for all of those who participated.
“It was a bit challenging to organize the trip and gather everyone together, but we reached our goal and in the end everyone had a blast,” commented ASO President Vartush Mesropyan. The day spent in Yosemite Valley was a huge success, as members enjoyed the pleasant weather, breathtaking scenery, and the sparkling white snow.
On their way back, the ASO members made a stop in Oakhurst to freshen up with some “Jamba Juice” and have dinner at one of the local restaurants.
Although sore, sun burnt, and exhausted, the students maintained their satisfied smiles as they headed back to Fresno.