Home / Top Stories / Armenian Students Organization Holds First Meeting of the Semester and Elections

Armenian Students Organization Holds First Meeting of the Semester and Elections

Andrew Hagopian

The Armenian Students Organization (ASO) kicked off the 2021-2022 academic year with their first meeting and annual elections, held by Zoom, on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. More than 35 students were present for the first meeting.

Each member introduced themselves by stating their name, major, and year in school.

Following introductions, everyone participated in a game of “Kahoot,” a user-generated multiple-choice quiz game, which asked questions relating to the ASO.

Elections were held with the following results: President, Michael Mazman; Vice President, Christian Tufenkjian; Secretary, Sevana Wassilian; Treasurer, Jonathan Chardukian; and Public Relations, Sara Beberian.


Michael Mazman


Why did you want to be an ASO Executive officer?

I had a great experience as an ASO member last year. I love the sense of family that this club provides to the Armenian students on campus and I was excited at the opportunity to facilitate that myself!

What would you like to accomplish as an officer?

Assuming that it will be safe for our club to meet in-person this year, I would like to bring the ASO members closer together with regular events that are fun and engaging. I am really looking forward to personally connecting with all of the students that are interested in Armenian activities to make sure that they feel welcome in our club and at its events.

What kind of response do you hope to get from the members?

Given that we are coming out of a pandemic situation where most of our events were held virtually, I think that our membership will be excited to get together and participate in the events that we have planned out for this year. My hope is that students find meaning in the time we spend together and take pride in demonstrating our community’s cultural heritage on campus.


Christian Tufenkjian
Vice President


Why did you want to be an ASO Executive officer?

I appreciated the club when I first came to Fresno State, and wanted to contribute back to the club by being on the Executive and to pass on the same experiences to others newcomers.

What would you like to accomplish as an officer?

I would like to see the entire Fresno State Armenian-student population come to our events and get to know each other. I would hope to see an overall enthusiastic response to the events we put on and a desire to return to upcoming events.

What makes ASO unique?

It is the best place to connect with the Armenian student population through multiple facets, whether that be social events planned by the club, making friends, or meeting up to study together. The ASO is a great place to meet new people and create a great network of peers.



Sevana Wassilian


Why did you want to be an ASO Executive officer?

From my freshman year in high school, creating an Armenian influence on campus has been very important to me. From co-founding the Armenian Culture Club at Buchanan High School to serving as President my senior year, I knew I wanted to push my passion for our culture even further at Fresno State. Thus, when the opportunity to become an ASO Executive officer arose, I knew I couldn’t turn it down.

What kind of response do you hope to get from the members?

As this is only my first year at Fresno State, I hope to form connections and memories with the other members currently in the club, as well as to encourage new members to get involved. Coming off of a pandemic, I think it is really important that we push each other to get involved and bring back that Armenian influence back on campus.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I am involved within the Armenian community off campus and am proud to be a member of both Homenetmen Fresno Sassoon and Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church here in Fresno.


Jonathan Chardukian


Why did you want to be an ASO Executive officer?

I wanted to be an ASO Executive because I have been involved with ASO for a long time, even before becoming an official member. The fun that I have had with the organization has inspired me to pursue an executive position and give others the same fun opportunities that I was able to have.

What would you like to accomplish as an officer?

I would like to play a part in growing ASO, in addition to planning and managing the events that will be held and setting a strong foundation for the next generation of executives.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I have been playing and performing guitar for just over four years now, and I have been playing with an Armenian folk ensemble for almost a year now, with many more years to come.


Sara Beberian
Public Relations


Why did you want to be an ASO Executive officer?

My freshman year I had so much fun going to all the ASO events that I decided I wanted to be an Executive officer to help plan and coordinate more events for others to enjoy as I did!

What would you like to accomplish as an officer?

As an officer, I would like to get more Armenian students involved in the organization that promotes Armenian students coming together to form lifelong friendships. I also hope to plan fun events that get everyone involved.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I am a sophomore in the Smittcamp Family Honors College here at Fresno State, and am also a staff writer for Hye Sharzoom and am pursuing a Minor in Armenian Studies. I also am a member of the Fresno State Judo Team and plan on competing next year!