Crissi Jelladian
A.S.O. is an organization on campus that allows Armenian students and others that are interested in the Armenian heritage to join together for a variety of activities. The Armenian Students’ Organization consists of Armenians from all over the world, anywhere from Fresno to Armenia. The variation in the students’ background makes the club in one sense diverse, but on the other hand unified. This semester A.S.O. looks forward to new people, new ideas, and new activities to become involved in throughout the semester.
So far in the Fall 1996 semester we have had two meetings and one fund-raiser. The second meeting was a pizza social that allowed the new and old members to become acquainted with one another. The fund-raiser was our traditional Shish-Kebab sale. We’d like to send a great big THANK YOU for those that came out to support us. Our upcoming events are the following: Meeting at La Maison Cafe (Shaw & Maple), October 9, 1996, at 7pm. We will be discussing our next Shish-Kebab fund-raiser being held on Wednesday, October 16, 1996 (by the fountain). On the 17th of October, we will have a night filled with billiards, movies, food, and FUN! To close out the month on an interesting note, we’ve decided to throw a Halloween party. Costumes, music, decorations, and many other things will get us in the spooky mood of Halloween.
A new effort for the A.S.O. will be performing community service and volunteer work. We have gathered a group of students that are volunteering any time they have during the week in assisting the faculty & students at the Fresno Community Armenian School. The hours being volunteered are on no set schedule, just whenever you have time to help. The children ages 6-12 need assistance in all academic areas, sports, peach blossom, academic decathlon, odyssey of the mind, etc. Not only does this provide college students with an opportunity to become closer with the Armenian youth, but it also is beneficial to the student for resume information.
The new executive board of the A.S.O. is looking forward to an exciting semester. I know that students’ maintain schedules that barely allow time for sleep, but A.S.O. is a beneficial and fun organization to become involved with to free yourself temporarily from the pressures of school. If you have any questions on the events mentioned or other upcoming events, please call the Armenian Studies Office at 278-2669 and ask Barlow to contact one of the new officers. Once again, we hope that all of you out there that are of Armenian descent or share an interest in the background or have friends, please feel free to join us. We look forward to seeing you!!!!