Pateel Mehitarian

There are many organizations, such as Orran and the Nork Childrens’ Center in Armenia, that seek to help children from unprivileged families. Another group that assists young women in achieving their aspirations is Mer Doon.
Mer Doon, meaning “Our Home” in Armenian, takes in young women whom have outgrown their childhood homes in Armenian orphanages. Mer Doon provides a family environment and an opportunity for the women to become productive members of society.
The Mer Doon family currently has ten women who have a full day’s worth of activities, managing to accomplish a lot. Education is a significant part of daily life and classes such as English, Russian, French, religion, and computers give the women a basic education. Carpet making is another talent the women at Mer Doon have learned.
Support for this cause has been very important for the students at Fresno State. The Armenian Students Organization started a penny-drive and containers were placed for two months at local Armenian restaurants, delicatessens, and businesses. With the help of the students at Fresno State and the public, money was raised and sent to Mer Doon.
This organization is just one example of the diverse efforts to educate the young people of Armenia. For more information on how to support Mer Doon, please visit