Suzanna Ekmekchyan
Staff Writer
The Armenian Students Organization went on an outing to San Francisco during Spring Break and had an amazing experience traveling together to see so many great sites, such as the Golden Gate Bridge. ASO members embarked on their journey bright and early Monday morning, March 26. Once they arrived in San Francisco, they went to the famous Pier 39 to shop and to have lunch.
They continued to St. John Armenian Church, where they were greeted by Parish Priest Fr. Mesrop Ash, who gave members a tour, discussing the history of the architecture of the Church. The Church has a Fresno connection, as artist Varaz Samuelian was responsible for painting a large image of Jesus Christ behind the main altar.
ASO then hiked to the peak of Mount Davidson, to visit the Mount Davidson Cross. A commemorative plaque honoring the memory of the Armenian Genocide has been placed at the base of the Cross, which was inaugurated in 1998.
Following the hike, ASO members crossed the Golden Gate Bridge to go to the look-out point with a panoramic view of the city. The final stop was a visit to Chinatown and Union Square. After a long day, members headed back to Fresno to conclude a wonderful Spring Break trip together.
Prior to Spring Break, ASO participated in Fresno State’s Preview Day on Saturday, March 17, designed for incoming freshman to get their first opportunity to visit campus and to become familiar with the academic programs. Students also were able to meet with representatives of the different campus clubs and organizations. Many freshmen approached the ASO table and were eager to join ASO next Fall.
ASO had a very successful movie night on Friday, April 13 at Fresno State. They enjoyed snacks and got comfortable to watch one of the most highly rated movies of 2018—“Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle.” ASO members had a fun time laughing and enjoying the comedic movie.
ASO planned many commem-orative programs in honor of the Armenian Genocide and designed special T-shirt for this year’s April 24 activities. On Tuesday, April 17, ASO had a table at the Free Speech area with flyers containing information about the Armenian Genocide, and information on upcoming commemorative events. The main purpose of the table was to raise awareness and to educate Fresno State students about the Genocide. ASO members were eager to share their knowledge on the topic with students.
As the semester is ending, the ASO is getting ready to say a fond farewell to its graduating members and is ready to begin welcoming incoming freshman. With new members come new ideas, and ASO is excited to see what is in store for the future of the organization.