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Eench ga Chga

Knar Mekhitarian
Staff Writer

How have the budget cuts affected you this semester?

T. Karkazian-finalTalene Karkazian

“The budget cuts at Fresno State have significantly affected me, as well as other students, in our attempt to graduate! Because Fresno State is no longer issuing students permission numbers to add a class that is already full, it really affected my chances of graduating because I couldn’t get into the last class I needed! Luckily, the counselors and professors of each department are making exceptions in order to help seniors graduate in time .”


Janik-finalJanik Oganesyan

“The budget cuts have caused me a great deal of stress because of the difficulty in getting into my classes this semester. Fees also went up a great deal and have caused me to work more hours, cutting time from my studying. Fresno State seems to be in a HUGE mess right now. Some of my professors are saying that the situation will be worse next semester—great!”


T. Kasparian-finalTaline Kasparian

“The budget cut has drastically effected many students. I was stuck with the classes I initially signed up for and could not add new classes because the capacity for each classroom was lowered. It was difficult to add another class. I didn’t even add one. Every class was already full.”