Photo: ASP Archive
Sara Beberian
ASO President
Armenian students this year on campus cannot get enough of ASO! The Armenian Students Organization on campus is following the legacy of years past by hosting monthly events where students can come together to enjoy one another’s company and keep Armenian community bonds strong.
ASO’s organized a broomball game held on Friday, October 28 at Gateway Ice Center. Broomball is essentially hockey, but instead of wearing ice skates, everyone wears tennis shoes on the ice. ASO members wore costumes to kick off the Halloween weekend, and everyone dressed to impress. Over 35 members participated in the broomball game and the competition was fierce! The evening was filled with lots of slipping and sliding on the ice, as well as a lot of laughs and good fun between members.

Photo:ASP Archive
“I love to see our club members competing and having fun!,” said ASO Vice President Sevana Wassilian. “The environment of love and partnership created at ASO is incomparable to any other organization on campus.” Ultimately after intense play, the game ended in a tie.
Simon Zhamkochyan, an active ASO member, remarked that “This was a great event that can be attributed to the hard work that the ASO officers have put in. It was definitely one of the best events that I have been a part of within the last couple of years. Events like these really help with bringing the Armenian students of Fresno State together.”
This sentiment beautifully sums up the reason ASO exists – to bring Armenian students on campus together!
Our next event will be a Friendsgiving in November! Please follow @fresnostateaso on Instagram for more details and to see photos and stay up to date with our events.