Barlow Der Mugrdechian
Hye Sharzhoom Advisor

His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians made an official visit to California State University, Fresno on Wednesday, May 9, 2001, as part of His Holiness’ official visit to the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North America. His Holiness was invited by the Armenian Studies Program to give the only university lecture during his visit to the United States and Canada.
His Holiness arrived at the entrance of the Leon S. Peters Business Building with his entourage, which included His Eminence Vatché Hovsepian, Primate of the Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Diocese of Canada, His Eminence Navasart Kjoyan, Patriarch Vicar of the Araratian Diocese, and accompanied by the chancellor for the Holy See, by his staff bearer and by members of the hosting committee of the San Joaquin Valley.

His Holiness was greeted by Dr. Michael Ortiz, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University and by Barlow Der Mugrdechian of the Armenian Studies Program. The Armenian Students Organization executive and members, as well as other Fresno State students were also on hand to greet his Holiness. A banner welcoming the Catholicos was draped across the entrance to the University Business Center.

Prior to his noon address, H. H. Karekin II met with Barlow Der Mugrdechian and the executive of the Armenian Students Organization. The Catholicos presented the Armenian Studies Program a hand-made carpet woven by children at one of the Youth Centers located in Yerevan. Barlow Der Mugrdechian, on behalf of the Armenian Studies Program, thanked His Holiness for the beautiful gift.
A standing-room only crowd of more than 150 people awaited the Catholicos in the Alice Peters Auditorium, where he spoke, in Armenian, on the topic of “The Armenian Church and Globalization and the Armenian Church in the 20th Century.” Rev. Fr. Arshen Aivazian, Pastor of St. Paul Armenian Church, translated his remarks into English. Following the prepared remarks, which lasted about 30 minutes, His Holiness spoke briefly in English and answered questions from the audience.
Following the presentation, His Holiness was met by University President Dr. John Welty, who officially greeted the Catholicos on behalf of the University. The Catholicos and guests enjoyed a warm interchange in a relaxed and intimate setting. The very successful and enjoyable visit of the Catholicos to Fresno State ended with His Holiness’ pontifical blessing.

His Holiness was visiting the United States and Canada on his first Pontifical visit to the United States, on the occasion of the 1700th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Christianity as the State Religion of Armenia.
The Catholicos visited local Armenian churches and celebrated Divine Liturgy at St. Paul Armenian Church. A special banquet in his honor was also held.
Following his visit to the San Joaquin Valley, His Holiness continued on to Los Angeles, and then on to Canada and the East Coast of the United States.