Staff Report

President: Hakop Tataryan
Major: Business Administration – Accountancy
Minor: Armenian Studies
Armenians are such amazing people-there is never a dull moment when we are together-and
that’s what the ASO does; it brings the Armenians at Fresno State together. For anyone who is keeping track, I am now a junior. This year I hope to help the club have a productive year. My hobbies include, residual studies on ontological empiricism, reading dissertations on epistemology, and memorizing the history of the Papacy. The most underrated show on television is Family Guy, I love that show. Something to think about: You might be one person to the world, but you might be the world to one person.
Vice-President: Zhanna Bagdasarov
Major: Clinical Psychology
Minor: Armenian Studies
I have really enjoyed all the activities organized by the ASO and love contributing my ideas for improving this organization, which is why I wanted to continue serving on the executive committee. Due to my experience, I have a clear overview of what this organization is all about. I believe the ASO to be a place for Armenians to create longlasting friendships and encourage one another. It is also a place for people to get together, discuss current issues, laugh and support each other. I hope to continue helping plan activities for the members of the ASO and will do my best to accommodate the different personalities that make-up this organization.
Treasurer: Alex Bunch
Major: Biology
Minor: Armenian Studies,
Currently I am working on a bachelor’s degree in Biology, along with a minor in Armenian Studies and Psychology. My future goals include becoming a pediatric neurosurgeon, God willing. Joining the ASO has enhanced my college experience and I will enjoy serving our club as treasurer and as a writer for Hye Sharzhoom. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to serve you and God Bless.
Secretary: Kristina Pogosyan
Major: Philosophy Pre-law
Minor: Armenian Studies
I was born in Dilijan, Armenia and moved to America when I was seven years old. My goal is to attend Pepperdine Law School and pursue my dream of becoming a civil law or a real estate attorney. I enjoy shopping because I love anything having to do with fashion. I also enjoy playing tennis at the gym with my sister. And last but not least, I enjoy the fact that I am an important part of the ASO. If it were not for ASO I wouldn’t have
met all the great people I have come to know so well. These life long memories make me who I am now, and will be in the future.
Public Relations: Gevork Aristakesyan
Major: History
Minor: Armenian Studies
I was born in Yerevan, Armenia and am a senior history major. My hobbies are basketball and boxing. I enjoy being a part of ASO because it’s a way for Armenians to get together and learn more about each other and the Armenian culture. As an executive officer I hope to plan activities for all the members to enjoy and enrich the club through any means possible.