Staff Report

an April 24 Armenian Genocide Day Commemorative event
at the Armenian Genocide Monument on campus.
Photo: Barlow Der Mugrdechian
The Armenian Students Organization Fresno State held an Armenian Genocide Commemorative Event at noon on Wednesday, April 24, at the Fresno State Armenian Genocide Monument.
ASO President Claire Kasaian opened the event with welcoming remarks followed by the singing of the U.S. and Armenian National Anthems by the St. Paul Armenian Church Saturday Schools students.
Fresno State student Dustin Vartanian recited Barour Sevag’s “We Are Few.” The Fresno Armenian Dance Academy performed a series of dances dedicated to the Armenian Genocide. Kara Statler and David Safrazian recited a poem dedicated to the Armenian Genocide.
ASI Senator Hunter Sansom also addressed those attending, emphasizing the reasons why it is important to remember and to commemorate the Armenian Genocide.
The ceremony concluded with the laying of flowers at the Armenian Genocide Monument. Andrew Hagopian performed traditional Armenian melodies on the oud while the flowers were being placed.
Photos: Andrew Hagopian