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Finishing the Genocide

marashlianDr. Levon Marashlian presented a lecture, “Finishing the Genocide: Ankara’s Extirpation of the Armenian Remnants and Its Implications for Yerevan Today”, on Friday, April 19, 1996 as part of a weekend class, Armenian Studies 120T, The Armenian Genocide, taught by Professor Barlow Der Mugrdechian.


By Mike Pogosian

On April 19, 1996 Fresno State students and individuals around the community had the honor of listening to Dr. Levon Marashlian lecture on the Armenian Genocide. I was one of the lucky students present during this enlightening lecture. The points brought up by Levon Marashlian were intriguing. His main focus during the lecture was the period of 1918-1923, when the present day government of Turkey took control of the country.

I was stunned to find out that the massacres of Armenian people continued after Talat Pasha was forced out of office. A number of Armenians were promised that they would not be harmed if they returned to their lands by this new government, but again the Armenians were fooled by false promises. Laws were passed by the new Turkish government, which sold Armenian property to others stating that they had the right, since the Armenians abandoned their land and property.

The video excerpts shown by Dr. Levon Marashlian helped the message to sink in much deeper. We saw the old footage of Armenians being driven from their homes and starving in the streets. The footage that angered most of the people during the lecture was the 1990 bebate debate between Senator Dole and Senator Bird, concerning the boycottof theArmenian Genocide Ralklii. Dole is known by all Armenians as a supporter of the Armenian cause, and Bird is probably known the most to oppose the Armenian cause.

Personally, I was angered to hear what occurred during the years from 1915 to 1923, and shocked at what was said by individual Armenians about the genocide. What had occurred back then should not be forgotten. We, the Armenian people, should make our voices be heard and make the Turkish government face the actions that they perpetrated from 1915 to 1923. In my eyes the Ottoman Empire did not just disappear of the face of the earth, they just changed their name. They are the government of Turkey today.